Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Lightarted Living: The Seduction of Life

Lightarted Living: The Seduction of Life:   

The Seduction of Life


The Seduction of Life

Life's flirtatious nature
coaxes us to engage;
We breathe deep
It's intoxication.

The daily seduction 
begins when we wake,
luring us to take the bait.

Whether you face 
challenges and struggles,
or you face days of ease, 
no matter.

Each day,
Life sweet-talks us 
into fully participating 
in exploring the depths 
of it's beauty and charm~ 
even in the darkest of days.

And then the seduction 
begins all over again
with the dawn of a new day.

"Step in, step in! 
You've got this!"

Go on

Take the Bait

Bite into Life

Original Flower Photo by Diane Offenbacher

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