Monday, April 17, 2023

Lightarted Living: A Lust for Life

Lightarted Living: A Lust for Life: THE LOVE AFFAIR Despite the hardships; Despite the challenges; She realizes she's always had a love affair with life. 

A Lust for Life


Despite the hardships;

Despite the challenges;

She realizes she's always had a love affair with life.

Her affair began in secret with a deep longing--

Pulling her like a moth to flame.

Hers was a life on fire, 

and now, she suddenly realizes why

It was life itself~in all its glory; 

Inflaming all her senses;

Bursting open her heart
 Filling her with light

And a lust for living.

Flapping her wings, 

She opens her eyes from a night of repose

To embrace her life, 

And meet it head on in the clear light of day.


Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Lightarted Living: Your Choices Today Create Your Life Tomorrow

Lightarted Living: Your Choices Today Create Your Life Tomorrow:   " To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders ." Lao Tzu, 6th century BC 

It is only in a state of calm we are able to open ourselves up to see the vast riches of the universe available to us all.

Your Choices Today Create Your Life Tomorrow


"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Lao Tzu, 6th century BC

Trust Your Inner Wisdom

I love this painted tile by 8 year old Edwin Tickner. It makes me wonder what Edwin's dog is contemplating as he silently watches the moon. And what about his little 'alter ego' who lives underground? He too sits quietly looking in the same direction as he considers life.

It was Lao Tzu, the father of the Chinese spiritual tradition Taoism, who said "To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Edwin's dog intuitively understands: Taking a calm, quiet moment is important for us all. A still, calm mind allows us to see choices we are blind to when caught up in the often frenetic activity of daily life.

It is only in a state of calm we are able to open ourselves up to see the vast riches of the universe available to us all.

 Calm Contemplation of Life

If you've been feeling off-balance lately or something has been bothering you that you just can't put your finger on--take a cue from Edwin's dog--still your mind and calm yourself before you open yourself up to look into the horizon.

When your mind is calmed, take a moment to reflect on how your choices today will create your life of tomorrow. Consider your current situation and what factors would create good or poor, pleasant or unpleasant outcomes down the road.

With a calmed mind, consider these perspectives and outcomes. Write a list of factors for each that contributed to the outcomes. Don't be afraid to look through the eyes of innocence and trust in yourself as you contemplate your future. You can make good and better choices.

Start with the End in Mind--What Choices Today Got You There?

Perspective 1: Looking five years down the road, you are still working for the same organization or still in an intimate relationship with the same person. What did the organization or your love interest do right to keep you? What does your life look like now?

Perspective 2: Looking five years down the road, you have left the relationship or organization. What happened? Why did you leave? What could they have done differently to keep you?

Perspective 3: Looking five years down the road an issue you're struggling with right now has resolved in your favor. What does your life look like now? What made you choose the path you're now on? Why is your life better today than five years ago? What choices did you make to support a good life? What are you most proud of?

Perspective 4: Looking five years down the road you are unhappy about the choices you made. What different choices could you have made to end up with better outcomes?

Meet the Artist

Edwin Tickner, 3rd Grader

Ten Years Later

I had the good fortune to run into Edwin Tickner, who is now 19 and doing interesting things with his art, at the Ashland Grower's Market the other day. It was so fun to see him 'ten years down the road'. 

I dove into my archive of Lightarted Living posts from 2013 to find this one featuring Edwin's art to send to him. As I read through it I was struck by how his 'CALM' dog tile inspired such a depth of thought in me.

I also realized in the ten years since I wrote this post, I had in fact used this method of 'looking five years down the road' numerous times to help me make important decisions. My outcomes were better 'down the road' because of this calm approach to contemplating the future.

It is a practical and useful approach for us to find our calm, and then to look from different perspectives to determine the life we want to create down the road. Take the time to plan for your life, especially in times of stress.

Still your mind, and dream about your future. 

The Dog Tile Art Project for the Jackson County Animal Shelter

In 2013 I worked with Debi Blair's 3rd grade students at Walker Elementary school in Ashland, Oregon to paint dog tiles to create a bright, cheerful entrance to the dog kennels at the Jackson County Animal Shelter. Their creative and fun spirits came through in their art.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Lightarted Living: Nature Shows us we're all Connected

Lightarted Living: Nature Shows us we're all Connected:   Nature Shows Us We're all Connected Nature Shows Us Together we Bloom Nature Shows Us Together we Thrive Nature Shows Us A rich soil f...

Nature Shows us we're all Connected


Nature Shows Us

We're all Connected

Nature Shows Us

Together we Bloom

Nature Shows Us

Together we Thrive

Nature Shows Us

A rich soil for all

Results in abundance for all

Nature Teaches Us 

To Sow Love

And to Sow Kindness to Harvest Love

Original Photo of Cascading Flower
by Diane Offenbacher

Thank you Diane for allowing me to scribble over your awesome flower photos!