Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Show Up. Speak Up. Don't Take the Bait.


'Let This Moment Be a Comma, Not a Period'

President Obama

What Storm is Brewing in Your Life?

What issue has stopped you in your tracks? Where do you need to gather your resources so you can turn this moment in your life into a comma, not a period? 

Perhaps you're dealing with an every day problem such as:

  • Dealing with a bad boss or work place; 
  • Trying to jump-start your career or finish college so you can get on with making a life; 
  • Dealing with the break up of a marriage or relationship gone bad.

Whatever it is you need to deal with to move your life forward in a positive direction, keep your strategy for being calm and effective to three simple rules: 

💚Show Up.
💚Speak Up.
💚Don't Take the Bait.

Show Up

'A simple definition of life: 

The chance you've been waiting for.'

Robert Brault

Speak Up

'Be Impeccable With Your Word. 

Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. 

Avoid using the word to speak 

against yourself or to gossip about others. 

Use the power of your word 

in the direction of truth and love.' 

Don Miguel Ruiz

Don't Take the Bait

'Speak when you are angry

and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret.' 

Laurence J. Peter

Speak with a Calm, Bright Heart

'The moment we begin to 

fear the opinions of others 

and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, 

the divine floods of light and life 

no longer flow into our souls.'

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

I wish to live a life that causes my soul 

to dance inside my body

Dele Olanubi

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