Thursday, July 23, 2020

Stop Suffering~Accept What Is~Release What Was

Accept What Is

Life is what it is. It flies forward, never backwards. 

The sooner you accept life as it is, the sooner you stop suffering.

Release What Was

To ease into the natural flow of life you must fly above your troubles, 
look towards the horizon, and let go of what was. 

Think of life as a motion picture, not a static snapshot, 
that continually evolves and shapes you~changing your story as it unfolds. 

When you hold on to the past or wish things were different 
it simply prolongs your suffering and struggles.

Make room for the next chapter by taking wing, letting go~and trusting.

Accept What Is~Release What Was~Create What Must Be

When life challenges you, 
get busy accepting what is, 
releasing what was, 
and creating what must be. 

You know what you must do 
to endure what you can not escape, 
and to step out of suffering into building a good life. 
Create what must be.

It's not always easy, but it is essential.
This is life. 
You've got this!


Jean | said...

Beautiful art! Inspiring words! Pinning and tweeting.

Susan J Meyerott, M.S. said...

Thanks, Jean. My self-talk is always worth sharing with others!