Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Arlie the Wise Cat Speaks~How to Survive Nine Lives

Persistence and Confidence are Key for Nine Lives

Arlie the Wise is a 'Dog-Cat' who always wants to be in the thick of things--going on walks with the dogs and humans; confidently exploring his environment; and being the designated greeter of humans to his home. 

As Arlie sees it, the world is ours to conquer. Why else would we be given nine lives if we weren't intended to live life boldly and confidently?

In the beginning, Arlo the Wise came to live with his human in the Art Studio with two other rescued cats--Mr Bojangles and Blackie (Tar Fondu). Every day the dogs from the big house-- Rosie and Otter--would sit outside the studio to view and smell the cats through the big slightly opened windows.

The other fraidy-cats had no interest in befriending these beasts. But Arlo was a different story. He saw the outside and these interesting creatures and he wanted to go where the action was. He wanted to follow the human out to the big house at the end of the day to be part of what went on in there. 

From the beginning Arlo was a big gregarious cat willing to stake his nine lives on his ability to overcome challenges and lead the way for all to live in harmony, no matter what species or breed. 

When Arlie the Wise looked out into the world beyond, he saw interesting things to explore, not things to be feared. Sure, he had his moments. What cat wouldn't. You don't get to survive nine lives without being a bit wary. But he was mostly inquisitive as well as street smart.

It took three years for Arlie the dog-tamer to fully tame his dogs, Otter and Rosie. They just weren't having any of it at first. They clearly thought it would be better to chase off this feline interloper than to allow it to co-exist in their habitat. But Arlo was persistent and confident, and he would not be deterred.

So Damn Tenacious!

Over time, Otter and Rosie had to admit there was just something about this cat that was growing on them. He was so damn tenacious. Eventually they not only acquiesced, they gave Arlo a spot on the group dog bed in the big house, and accepted his confidant companionship on family walks. Today they're just old friends who hang out together.

Arlie the Wise Cat Says Be Other-Conscious, Not Self-Conscious

Arlie the Wise never overthinks things. He acts instinctually, knowing that to survive nine lives we have to trust our gut and be bold. There's no time to be self-conscious in this life. We must look out into the great world out there and see what we want to explore, and then go for it.

We can learn a thing or two from Arlie. He doesn't let others view of him get in his way. He is just who he is and acts accordingly in determined pursuit of the life he desires. 

Three perspectives make up how we see ourselves and our ability to make our way in the world: 1) Our view of ourselves; 2) Our view of other's view of us; and 3) Other's view of us.
 As humans we can get tangled up contemplating these views that determine how we feel about ourselves. Giving too much thought to what others think of us can stop us dead in our tracks--wasting one of our nine lives.

But we are in charge of two out of three of those views influencing how we feel about our ability to make our way in the world. If we simply stop overthinking, accept who we are, and act on the world unselfconsciously, like Arlo the cat, we can change other's view of us and knock down barriers to our freely and successfully exploring the world around us.

Arlie the Wise Cat Speaks~How to Survive Nine Lives

Arlie the Wise says:
💓'I experience love wherever I go.'💓'Be not afraid. Conquer the World.'💓'Be bold. Believe in yourself. The world is yours.'💓'Be Catnip for others. Go unselfconsciously into the world: Be Yourself--letting the law of attraction work for you.'💓

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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Suzeesunshine said...

I sure love this!! Creatures great and small teach us all we need to know!!

Susan J Meyerott, M.S. said...

Yes, Susan--all creatures have much to teach us!

Jean | said...

Sue, your genius really comes through in this one! A cat person, I "came for the cat," stayed for the wisdom.

Susan J Meyerott, M.S. said...

Haha--Thanks, Jean. I always have fun grocking what the animals have to teach us. Arlo is an amazingly wise cat!