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Monday, July 30, 2018
Lightarted Living: How to Get the Quiet Colleague to Talk
Lightarted Living: How to Get the Quiet Colleague to Talk: The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't being said. Anonymous Do you come to meetings hoping f...
Sunday, July 29, 2018
Lightarted Living: 10 Things I Learned By Taking the Advice I Give to...
Lightarted Living: 10 Things I Learned By Taking the Advice I Give to...: 'A wise man once said nothing'... Spirit Science Put on Your Hard Hat--Emotions Boiling Over! I don't often get spitti...
Friday, July 27, 2018
Lightarted Living: Chronic Anger: Reverse 'Hardening of the Attitudes...
Lightarted Living: Chronic Anger: Reverse 'Hardening of the Attitudes...: Why am I so Angry All the Time? If you've been feeling angry about the world and everyone in it, I've got good news. You h...
Chronic Anger: Reverse 'Hardening of the Attitudes' to Improve Outlook
Why am I so Angry All the Time?
If you've been feeling angry about the world and everyone in it, I've got good news. You have the power to change the relationship you have to the world by changing your attitude and letting go of the anger.
But perhaps as you read this you're wondering why you should give up your righteous anger when it seems to energize you.
The answer is because it's an illusion that holding onto anger works for you. Anger hypes and stimulates you at the same time it zaps your power to effectively lead your life.
Anger is a paradox. While anger is an emotion that feels powerful, our feeling angry results from the perception the world has taken away our power.
Anger erupts when we feel victimized and stripped of our power. When you feel powerless that explains why you also feel angry 'all the time'.And anger begets more anger. The angrier you feel, the more you feel victimized and the less power you have to change your situation, leading to more seething anger. And if you act in revengeful, petty ways in response to your anger you dig yourself a deeper, more desperate hole to climb out of.
The way out of your anger is through taking positive, life-affirming actions that put you in power of your emotions and your life on a positive path.
A Flexible Mind is a Powerful Mind
When you recognize you have options and the flexibility to act in life-enhancing ways in response to anger-producing situations that's when you and others feel your power.
When we spew anger we're simply putting up a false front to look like someone who's in charge of their world. But inside another story emerges of a caught off guard angry-victim reacting to the situation in a child-like powerless manner. Spitting, sputtering and spewing anger is a real, but ineffective reaction.
If lashing out in anger is your only reaction to what happens in life you'll harden up instead of grow stronger, and you'll begin to take on the rigid attitude of the victim who has been wronged by life.
Hardening of the Attitudes Creates a Rigid World
Sometimes with aging or after experiencing a series of negative events our anger can develop into a chronic hardening of the attitudes making it more difficult to see our way to positive solutions. We can get stuck in our reptilian brain where we are simply reactive and territorial.
Hardening of the attitudes is often accompanied by physical changes in our bodies that reflect this rigid frame of mind. These physical changes--like hardening of the arteries, tight muscles, restless sleep, and prickly emotions--especially anger, rage and nastiness--can lay the groundwork for major health events to occur.
Being in a constant state of rigid, hardened attitudes is indicative of living in a state of constant high stress that puts your body on high alert. That's why you're susceptible to major health events, like heart attacks and strokes, if you're angry all the time.While hardening of the attitudes makes you feel powerful at first, in the long run it leaves you living in a world that feels harsh and unforgiving in which you must constantly be ready for flight or fight.
Choosing to take steps to get free of your anger will benefit you physically, emotionally and spiritually; keeping anger alive will kill you.
Peace is a stranger to the rigid mind.
Peace is a guest of the flexible heart.
Life-Enhancing Actions Are Antidote to Anger
As long as you sit in being an angry victim, you limit your ability to take back your power and sense of calm. But if you learn to take appropriate and healthy actions in the face of anger instead, you'll maintain a powerful and positive path in life.
Let go of your anger so you regain the power to navigate your own life and regain a sense of peace and tranquility in your life. Believe in your ability to create and maintain the life you want.
There's nothing wrong with getting angry. It is completely normal to be angry in response to things that happen. All of us lash out in anger at one time or another.
The question is what are you going to do to rectify the situation so you can regain your power, lose the anger, and create the situation you want going forward. As long as you keep the angry victim attitude, you are controlled by it.Sure you can lash out in angry, revengeful or hateful ways. But this negative path not only sinks you deeper into your angry 'hardening of the attitudes', it also sets you up for devastating consequences that close off options and darken your future.
If we fail to take appropriate and healthy action to recenter and balance ourselves, a wall of angry victim builds up and over time a 'hardening of the attitudes' sets in.
💓Anger feeds anger; compassion feeds compassion. Find ways to respond with compassion for the world--for your sake and others.
💓Ineffective actions are those that leave you feeling powerless and floundering. Actions taken in anger will still leave you powerless. Actions taken to remedy the situation that made you angry will empower you.
💓Effective actions are those that put you in charge of your life and leave you feeling good about yourself and your life.
Reverse Hardening of the Attitudes to Improve Your Outlook
If you're tired of holding all that anger, let go of your anger by taking actions to change your mindset from rigid to flexible instead of continuing to dig in and harden your position.
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Friday, July 20, 2018
Lightarted Living: Upbeat People: What Sets them Apart?
Lightarted Living: Upbeat People: What Sets them Apart?: What Sets Upbeat People Apart? Face it--some days you wake up ready to enthusiastically dive into the day, while other days you wa...
Upbeat People: What Sets them Apart?
Face it--some days you wake up ready to enthusiastically dive into the day, while other days you wake feeling the need for a pep talk.
Upbeat people are no different in that regard. They too experience the full gamut of emotions and difficult life experiences. And some days upbeat people need a pep talk too.
What sets upbeat people apart is they have a low tolerance for sitting too long in the doldrums of life before they jump into actions steering them into a more positive frame of mind.
Upbeat people assess the difficult situations and their options, and then do what they must do to improve their chances for achieving the most positive outcomes.
Upbeat people's thinking and acting habits put them in control of things that matter most to them. They trust they always have another action to take that empowers them and lifts their spirits.
The Upbeat Realist
You might think upbeat people must live in La La Land and see with rose-colored glasses. But upbeat people are just realists who struggle to find the best way to get through the tougher times in life faster.
Upbeat people accept the realities of life and find a way to deal with them.
Before you're quick to to accept you're not an upbeat person, ask yourself if you'd like to live your life more upbeat than not. If you desire to be more upbeat most of the time, a small tweak in your behavior is all that's required.
What are the small tweaks you can make in your approach to life to become a more upbeat person?
💓Turn your disappointment into a time for active discovery. Take Action.
💙Take positive actions without concern for the outcome. Don't think about it; just do it.
💚Turn failure into learning experiences.
💛During the tough times, do what you must do without dwelling on it. Step into the water at high tide.
💜Find a way to endure what you cannot escape. Develop a go-to mantra or affirmation to get you started when things go awry.
Decide on the most important course of action and begin. Once you begin, keep going.
I've enjoyed an ongoing dialogue with my sister-in-law, Lee, about LIFE unfolding. She sends me a mantra, I send her a picture of LIFE unfolding with her mantra in it. She sends me a photo of peonies unfolding and more renditions of her mantra and I send her a new picture out of her peonies with new affirmations.
When you DO SOMETHING with a mantra or affirmation, you instill a positive frame of mind into a dynamic way of living making it easier to be upbeat faster.
Let your life surprise you. Try out one of Lee's unfolding affirmations or create one of your own. Choose your upbeat and life affirming mantra, and then live it.
Life is unfolding in a relaxed and peaceful way.
LIfe is unfolding in the most humorous way.
Life unfolds with great ease and calm.
Life unfolds
in the most delightful and centered way, with many happy surprises!
Happiness has
spread like peanut butter thick upon me, penetrating and soothing my rattled
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Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Lightarted Living: The Extraordinary Waits Beneath the Ordinary
Lightarted Living: The Extraordinary Waits Beneath the Ordinary: There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths. Mark Nepo The Book of Awakening Look Within The extraordinary is w...
Lightarted Living: The Extraordinary Waits Beneath the Ordinary
Lightarted Living: The Extraordinary Waits Beneath the Ordinary: There are no wrong turns, only unexpected paths. Mark Nepo The Book of Awakening Look Within The extraordinary is w...
The Extraordinary Waits Beneath the Ordinary
There are no wrong turns,
only unexpected paths.
Mark Nepo
The Book of Awakening
Look Within
The extraordinary is waiting quietly beneath
the skin of all that is ordinary.
Mark Nepo
The Book of Awakening
You are Extraordinary!
Be open to seeing
the extraordinary
within you.
Lightarted Sue
Be Surprised!
Life unfolds
in the most delightful and centered way,
with many happy surprises!
Lee Bryant
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Lightarted Living: Love Me Tender: Getting Past Hurts
Lightarted Living: Love Me Tender: Getting Past Hurts: Life is But a Dream Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream....
Love Me Tender: Getting Past Hurts
Life is But a Dream
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
You Row your own Boat
If Life is but a dream,
why not choose a stream
that is gentle and tender?
You row your own boat.
Find the way to gentle your life.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Your Life is but a dream.
20 years down the road what's going to make you proudest?
...Knowing you held fast to anger, hurts and bitterness?
...Knowing you navigated life's disappointments and hurts to create a life of love and contentment unencumbered by long-standing grudges?
Love Me Tender
Underneath it all, we all have a deep desire to be loved.
So why hold on to past hurts and anger towards loved ones when you can let go of the pain? Why not choose to enjoy an unencumbered sense of ease and enjoyment in life that comes from belonging to a loving group of family and friends?
💓Underneath all that anger, hurt and bitterness is the deep-rooted desire to be loved.
💙Uncover that deep-rooted desire.
💚Let go of hurt and anger.
💛Heal your wounds.
Choose to love and be loved tenderly instead.
“Life becomes easier when you learn to accept an apology you never got.”
Robert Brault
What are you waiting for? You row your own boat...
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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Lightarted Living: Lao Tzu~To a Still Mind, the Whole Universe Surren...
Lightarted Living: Lao Tzu~To a Still Mind, the Whole Universe Surren...: The Fates Watch Life is Good When was the last time you sat silent, with your mind at ease and a cool wind gently blowing? ...
Lao Tzu~To a Still Mind, the Whole Universe Surrenders
The Fates Watch
Life is Good
When was the last time you sat silent, with your mind at ease and a cool wind gently blowing? Ahhhhh. What a sense of peace and tranquility. What a sense of well-being.
When my mind is still, everything is well in my world. Life is Good.
Life is Good. Trust it.
Life Paves the Way for Your Success
We need times of stillness to reflect on the goodness of life. It is in those quiet times, when our minds effortlessly drift and relax, we can see 'life is paving the way for our success'. All we're asked to do is to show up when it's time, and to rest our minds in between.
When we remember to 'put the struggle down' for awhile, we can see the pathways of hope and opportunity we were blind to in the midst of frenetic activity.
To a still mind, the whole universe opens. Lao Tzu
The Fates Are Watching Over You
If you take a careful look in the crevasses of your life you'll discover powerful natural forces working to open doors for you, easing your way through both difficulties and opportunities.
Trust the Fates to lead the way. Willingly give in to fate and expect a good life.
Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant. Seneca
Create a Positive Expectation
How you see when you look out your eyes determines what you find. Expect a good life and a good life shows up. Choose a positive expectation, or mantra for the day--something that starts your day off well.
This affirmation to start the day is one my sister-in-law shared. Use it or create your own!
Everything is playing out in the most wondrous way! Surprise Me!
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Lightarted Living: In the Golden Afternoon~Enjoy the Lazy Days of Sum...
Lightarted Living: In the Golden Afternoon~Enjoy the Lazy Days of Sum...: In the Golden Afternoon Enjoy the lazy days of summer~ Whiling away the hours, Conferring with the flowers Things are Lookin...
In the Golden Afternoon~Enjoy the Lazy Days of Summer
In the Golden Afternoon
Enjoy the lazy days of summer~
Whiling away the hours,
Conferring with the flowers
Things are Looking Up!
Be of Good Cheer!
Thank you to sister Gayle who sent me this
cheerful Camilla to play with!
Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.
Friday, July 6, 2018
Lightarted Living: Deal with It! Finding the Strength and Courage to ...
Lightarted Living: Deal with It! Finding the Strength and Courage to ...: Life is Good. All is Well. Stop Holding Your Breath. Breathe that Sigh of Relief and Get On with Life. What hardship or life ch...
Deal with It! Finding the Strength and Courage to Face Hardships
Life is Good. All is Well.
Stop Holding Your Breath. Breathe that Sigh of Relief and Get On with Life.
What hardship or life challenge have you recently endured? Have you taken one step beyond it or have you allowed it to take up residence in your mind?
Life is full of hardships and crises. Some can really knock you on your butt. Others can linger and provide a subtle underlying sea of fear and worry in the back reaches of your mind.
If you've been thinking 'why me?' perhaps the short answer is 'why NOT you?'. No one is immune to hardships. We all face them. So we best be on our way to finding our way out sooner.
Hope Begins with Positive Action
Gumption: Getting through the Difficulties of Life
Deep within each of us is the gumption to get us through the hard stuff.
While the term 'gumption' may have gone out of style, having gumption never does. Gumption is the strong will and determination to do something; the courage to do what must be done; and the resourcefulness to figure out what must be done.
Gumption gets us through the difficult times faster. It is a delicate dance between courage, strength and focus.
We must have the courage to face the hard stuff head on, and then have the strength to do what needs to be done to step beyond it without thinking too much about it. We give it our full conscious attention then we stop thinking and just move into action.
Begin by acknowledging the issue turning your stomach sour. Name it, then take a step towards dealing with it in a positive manner. When you name it you begin to regain some control over it. When you're pro-active and take positive steps to deal with it you harness your energy and focus, and set the stage for positive outcomes.
If you discover there's nothing you can do about it, do something else of a positive, life-giving nature, to help you step into life and witness your strength for plowing through.
My Future is Bright, Joyous, and Secure
To Bounce Back from Difficulties, Keep Your Focus on:
💓Your strength, not your weakness.
💙Your courage, not your fears.
💚Your good life, not the tough stuff.
You can do this. You're made of tough stuff.
What do you do to get through the hard times? What is your saving grace for getting through life's difficulties?
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Lightarted Living: Stop Micro-Managing Your Life~Worrying never did A...
Lightarted Living: Stop Micro-Managing Your Life~Worrying never did A...: As a watched pot never boils... A micro-managed life never progresses. Like watching paint dry... Worrying never did anyone any g...
Lightarted Living: Stop Micro-Managing Your Life~Worrying never did A...
Lightarted Living: Stop Micro-Managing Your Life~Worrying never did A...: As a watched pot never boils... A micro-managed life never progresses. Like watching paint dry... Worrying never did anyone any g...
Stop Micro-Managing Your Life~Worrying never did Anyone Good
As a watched pot never boils...
A micro-managed life never progresses.
A micro-managed life never progresses.
Like watching paint dry...
Worrying never did anyone any good.
Worrying never did anyone any good.
Sometimes You have to Stop Micro-Managing and Let Life Unfold
As I was playing with 'Night Workers' and discovering the multitude of tiny beings within, I began thinking about the multitude of bacteria working on our behalf in our bodies--and how they were like the multitude of tiny forces in our lives working to make our lives better.
In case you didn't know it--your body contains trillions of microorganisms about equal to the number of human cells you have, and these tiny creatures play a vital role in your health.
How comforting it is to know trillions of tiny beings are working overtime to keep your body working well--and you don't even need to give them a second thought. Even if you wanted to supervise their tireless work you can't. They're too small. They just put their hard-hats on at night and work away helping to refresh and repair your body.
And did you know you have about 100 billion brain cells working on your behalf? And like the tiny microorganisms, your lightening-fast brain cells function best when you don't try to micro-manage them with stress and worry.
Sometimes we spend so much time concentrating on getting an outcome in our body or life we forget to just relax and let our bodies and lives heal and thrive on their own.
Do What Must Be Done, Then Let it Go
Why waste all that time, energy and head space worrying about things you can't do anything about? Figure out what concerns you, take the most important actions to resolve it, and then let it go.
Yes, you have to do your part to set things in motion in a positive direction. But then you need to rest and trust life's tiny forces to do the heavy lifting for you.
While exercise is good for you, rest is equally as good. In fact you grow stronger when your body rests after exercising. If you overuse your muscles and fail to give it enough time to rest between bouts of exercise your muscles will breakdown. It is the same with your brain.
Trust the multitude of tiny forces in your life to work on your behalf.
Yes, you have to do your part to set things in motion in a positive direction. But then you need to rest and trust life's tiny forces to do the heavy lifting for you.
While exercise is good for you, rest is equally as good. In fact you grow stronger when your body rests after exercising. If you overuse your muscles and fail to give it enough time to rest between bouts of exercise your muscles will breakdown. It is the same with your brain.
Times of action, concentration and focus must be followed by times of rest, relaxation, and play. Whatever you're obsessing on, put it down. Stop the worry. Let time and tiny life forces work for you while you rest.
Trust and Time
💙Time is a great healer.
💙Patience is a virtue.
💛All things seemingly good or bad work in our favor.
💛Trust Time and Life.
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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.
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