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Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind: Kindness can Accomplish what Force cannot Throughout the ages all great sages have spoken on the importance of being kind. As we...
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind: Kindness can Accomplish what Force cannot Throughout the ages all great sages have spoken on the importance of being kind. As we...
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind
Lightarted Living: The Importance of Being Kind: Kindness can Accomplish what Force cannot Throughout the ages all great sages have spoken on the importance of being kind. As we...
The Importance of Being Kind
Kindness can
Accomplish what Force cannot
Throughout the ages all great sages have spoken on the importance of being kind.
As we step into the Valentine season I offer to you, dear reader, a few words on kindness from the likes of Aesop, Lao Tzu, Benjamin Franklin and William Wordsworth to ponder and perchance to lead your actions.
Throughout the ages all great sages have spoken on the importance of being kind.
As we step into the Valentine season I offer to you, dear reader, a few words on kindness from the likes of Aesop, Lao Tzu, Benjamin Franklin and William Wordsworth to ponder and perchance to lead your actions.
We can all make a difference in the lives of others. Choose to reach out in kindness even in the face of adversity. Each day choose to lay the groundwork for love and happiness. Your small daily decisions over a lifetime add up.
He Who Plants Kindness Gathers Love
💓'A tree is known by
its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy
reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.' Saint Basil
💙'No act of kindness,
no matter how small, is ever wasted.' Aesop
💚'Kindness is in our
power, even when fondness is not.' Samuel Johnson
💛'Kindness in words
creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in
giving creates love.' Lao Tzu
💜'A laugh, to be
joyous, must flow from a joyous heart, for without kindness there can be no
true joy.' Thomas Carlyle
💓'That best portion of
a man's life, his little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and
love.' William Wordsworth
💙'If you would be
loved, love and be lovable.'
Benjamin Franklin
💓'There is overwhelming
evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be
to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity.' Nathaniel Branden
💙'Constant kindness can
accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding,
mistrust, and hostility to evaporate.' Albert Schweitzer
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Lightarted Living: Dealing with Anger and Burnout
Lightarted Living: Dealing with Anger and Burnout: Pondering the Future (Reply hazy try again...) “There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in a...
Dealing with Anger and Burnout
Pondering the Future
(Reply hazy try again...)
“There are more things to alarm us than to harm us, and we suffer more often in apprehension than reality.”
If Things are so
Good, why am I so Angry?
We've all been there.
There's nothing wrong. In fact things have been going pretty good. But home and work are stressful and you've been working too many hours to get to the end of those great life-enhancing projects.
You pride yourself on doing outstanding work and achieving what you put your mind to, so you put your all into each new project that comes your way.
At work this focus on excellence
brings you praise from your boss and lands you great projects where you can really showcase your skills. Everyone loves your
work and sings your praises. You're smart, responsive, creative and
At home, you're on-track with multiple plans for family, home and building for your future.
So why are you feeling anti-social and mad at the world--wanting to zone out instead of socialize--and snapping other people's heads off?
So why are you feeling anti-social and mad at the world--wanting to zone out instead of socialize--and snapping other people's heads off?
Burnout and Anger
Like so many who desire to make their mark on the world you've probably given your all without sufficiently replenishing your energy along the way.
When we fail to adequately engage in non-productive play to re-balance our spirits, our fear and anger over self-imposed expectations build up and our fire and drive quickly extinguish. This is simply a case of burnout caused by our failure to insert fun, play and nothingness into our daily line up.
So if your emotions suddenly burst into fiery anger after you've been pushing yourself too hard, you know it's time to re-balance yourself and stop obsessing on growth and success.
So if your emotions suddenly burst into fiery anger after you've been pushing yourself too hard, you know it's time to re-balance yourself and stop obsessing on growth and success.
“Don’t underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can’t hear, and not bothering.”
Winnie the Pooh
How to Regain the Fire in Your Belly and Lose the Anger in Your Head
You already know you want to excel and be the best you can be. So why is it so difficult for you to do what you already know you need to do to maintain that fire in your belly and rid yourself of the anger in your head?
Times of drive must be balanced with times of idling.
yourself equal time living as your private free-flowing, unjudged self as you give yourself living as your 'face-showing' public persona. Staying on 24/7 is crazy-making behavior that leads to
burnout, self-doubts and anger.
The antidote to burnout is to practice doing nothing--regularly.
Consciously plan fun or relaxing downtime into your week to rid yourself of that subtle
ever-pervasive infiltration of expectations to always be producing and achieving.
How to Succeed at Idling
💙Do nothing.
💛Give in to that nap.
💓Have a dream-free day.
💙Lose the expectations.
💚Accomplish nothing.
💙Do nothing.
💛Give in to that nap.
💓Have a dream-free day.
💙Lose the expectations.
💚Accomplish nothing.
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Lightarted Living: Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Y...
Lightarted Living: Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Y...: Happy Endings! Don't you love happy endings? I do--especially when I'm on the receiving end. Dreams are lik...
Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Your Life
Happy Endings!
Don't you love happy endings?
I do--especially when I'm on the receiving end.
Dreams are like Dogs--
They come when they're called
What Are You Grieving?
Where in your life have you been grieving?
💓Have you lost a loved one, job, or relationship?
💙Has your ego been bruised?
💚Are you recovering from a fire, hurricane, flood or earthquake?
What dreams have you lost? What are you doing to show up in life and get back what you've lost?
It isn't always easy to cope or move on when you're grieving or hurting over what you've lost. But life demands we find a way to step back in, and get busy living, loving and contributing--no matter how large or small our losses.
"Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning."
Robert Brault
Leave the Door Open Just a Crack
Dream~Always Leave an Opening for a Ray of Hope to Shine Through
The recent loss of my almost 14-year old dog, Arrow, is small compared to what so many others have endured recently. But like anyone dealing with the loss of something they love, I found myself lying low while 'licking my wounds under the porch'.
Although I was willing to entertain the thought of a new dog coming into my life, I really wasn't planning on getting another one for a year after losing my furry shadow.
But you know what happens while you're laying plans...LIFE happens anyway.

Meet Hannah
After Arrow died, I showed up at the Shelter weekly to look at the available dogs. This was my way of showing up to tell the Universe I was open but not necessarily ready for a new dog coming into my life.
I saw lots of very nice dogs, but none pulled on my heartstrings to bring them home. Then one friend volunteering at the Shelter told me I should check out Hannah. I visited the next day. She was lovely.
Although Hannah had already been adopted by someone else when I met her at the Shelter, somehow she still came to me with perfect timing. When I saw her I told her she was just what I was looking for in a dog, but I was glad she found a good home.
I told my friends at the Shelter gentle Hannah was just the type of dog I was looking for. And wouldn't you know--a week later, I got the call--Hannah was returned and available for me to bring home.
Sometimes it may feel as if we'll never get past the grief, hurt or loss. But when we leave a small opening for a ray of hope to enter our hearts--and we keep showing up--we recover and thrive once again.
And if we imagine what we want, our dreams have a way of coming true with perfect timing.
Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See
Dreams are like dogs--they come when they're called.
Sit. Stay Open.
💓You don't have to be ready to take on a new life, new love, new job or new dog for good things to find their way back into your life.
💙You don't have to be done grieving the loss of what or who has passed out of your life for good things to find their way back into your life.
💛You just need good friends looking out for you--and a heart that is open to good things showing up.
Then leave the door to your life open just a crack
for good things to come your way and stay.
Dreams Are Like Dogs~
They'll Follow You Home
Set Positive Expectations for your Future
We are always listening and looking for something to follow us home. What is it for you?
💓What are you always listening and looking for?
💙What dreams or visions for your future do you have your heart set on?
💛What do you want to invite into your home and life?
Death, loss, and change are the more difficult, yet ordinary, parts of life we must contend with.
We must accept these realities of life, yet keep our eyes focused on a positive future--imagining those things we want to attract into our lives that makes life worth living--then keep showing up until our dreams become reality.

Bring Your Dreams Home
💙What's your happy ending?
💛What do you want to welcome home?
💙When you call them, they'll come.
Let the Universe know you are open and waiting--then wait for ordinary everyday magic to happen. Let the Happy Endings begin...
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Lightarted Living: Clutter? You Say Messy~I Say Casual
Lightarted Living: Clutter? You Say Messy~I Say Casual: I am what I am--Creative and Messy 'To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is...
Clutter? You Say Messy~I Say Casual
I am what I
am--Creative and Messy
'To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.'
William Arthur Ward
Do you ever catch a
glimpse of the truth of yourself as you go about your day? I do—and it always
puts a smile on my face.
I am a person fraught
with weaknesses that make other people shudder. My weaknesses are of the large
variety that others love to point out to me--just in case I miss them.
One of my more notable weaknesses is my messiness. It's always been a great conversation piece among friends and family.
One of my more notable weaknesses is my messiness. It's always been a great conversation piece among friends and family.
A Whirlwind of Activity
I have the unique ability to storm a room in a fit of creativity, creating a
whirlwind of activity that leaves an untidy mess in its wake. Some refer
to my messiness as a force of nature while others just call it wrong. Me? I
call it the creative process.
My inclination towards messiness arises out of a natural preference for organizing in piles, not files.
I'm a girl who likes to have all her resources laid out before her when she works. As soon as I put it all away--neatly stored in files--my creativity disappears. I have to see it to be inspired--and for me it's all about the inspiration!
My inclination towards messiness arises out of a natural preference for organizing in piles, not files.
I'm a girl who likes to have all her resources laid out before her when she works. As soon as I put it all away--neatly stored in files--my creativity disappears. I have to see it to be inspired--and for me it's all about the inspiration!
A Sheep in Form-Fitting Wolf Attire
Sure, over the years I've
learned to put up false fronts and outfit this sheep in form-fitting wolf
attire for the comfort of others. I've learned to live comfortably and calmly
in the world of others expectations—but it's not my preferred way of being. So
retreating into my inner world is where I go to be free of judgment.
The Extrovert's Wondrous Inner World
Although I am an
extrovert who loves interacting in the outer world—the truth is--I relish
retreating into my own world where I can fully appreciate my own
company--unencumbered by the critical eyes of others.
In my own private
world I fully accept, roll in, embellish and enjoy the person that I am. I
answer to no one--leaving judgment on my person to dwell outside while I move
into my fully-loaded free-flowing and uninhibited self. In that private moment
I am incorrigible—and I love it.
Is My House in Perfect Order when you Visit? That's a Sign...
If I'm compelled to tidy up the house before you can visit that's a sign I don't trust you--and we're not very close. The more I strive for perfection, the less I trust you.
So if you visit and discover a more casually kept house~with the dining room table strewn with watercolor pens, art sketches, blog posts or other such clutter~that's a sign we're good friends with a large amount of trust and appreciation between us.
And when I open the front door to invite you in for the first time, you can expect me to apologize for the way the house looks--after all I'm not unsympathetic to your expectations. Just know I'm not going to live my life to fit your expectations.
'Sorry for the way the house looks. It's usually much messier!'
Once we establish you can be in my home exactly as it is--clean, but casually kept--you can visit anytime. I've got too much to do to be bothered with perfection!
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Lightarted Living: Home is Where the Dog Is
Lightarted Living: Home is Where the Dog Is: A little self affirmation never hurt anyone...especially me! Sign Up ...
Home is Where the Dog Is
A little self affirmation never hurt anyone...especially me!
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Lightarted Living: In a world where you can be anything~BE KIND
Lightarted Living: In a world where you can be anything~BE KIND: In a World ~Where You Can Be Anything~ BE KIND When You Forgive You HEAL. When you Let Go You GROW. May Y...
In a world where you can be anything~BE KIND
In a World
~Where You Can Be Anything~
When You Forgive You HEAL.
When you Let Go You GROW.
May Your Choices Reflect
Your Hopes, Not Your Fears
Don’t Do Something Permanently Stupid
Because you’re Temporarily Upset
Forgiveness Does Not Change the Past
Chalkboard Quotes from Gauteng, South Africa
These 'chalkboard quotes' come from a gas station in
Gauteng, South Africa where they provide fresh, uplifting quotes written on a chalkboard daily. This tradition of providing a bit of humor or insight for customers has been going on for years. Thanks and credit go to them. #PetrolPumpWisdom
I dedicate today's post to my brother, Royce, as the chalkboard quotes came to me through him, inspiring me to create the art to go with the wisdom.
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Monday, January 15, 2018
Lightarted Living: Welcome Your Weaknesses, Don't Hide Them
Lightarted Living: Welcome Your Weaknesses, Don't Hide Them: Strengths Overused Welcome Your Weaknesses Like me, you probably have weaknesses you try to hide to maintain a better image t...
Welcome Your Weaknesses, Don't Hide Them
Strengths Overused
Welcome Your Weaknesses
Like me, you probably have weaknesses you try to hide to maintain a better image to the world. But don't be so fast to bad-mouth those weaknesses--learn to welcome them instead.
Our so-called weaknesses have an upside--they are in fact the flip-side of our strengths.
Your weaknesses can be more effectively viewed as strengths overused. In other words, your strengths show up as weaknesses when you overuse them resulting in too much of a good thing.
By reveling in, and appreciating your weaknesses instead of being ashamed of them, you'll quickly discover the key to becoming your best self: learning to exercise control over your strengths, not hide your weaknesses.
It's a whole lot easier to gently pull back on
doing something you do well than it is to attempt to rid yourself of something
you see as bad.
The Dance of Life
Exercise Control over your Strengths
My son, Sean--an extrovert--has a great sense of humor that used to get him in trouble when he was in middle school. He would talk too much and joke around during class--and ultimately annoy his teachers who would note these weaknesses on his report card.
Back in middle school, I told Sean his lesson was to learn how to exercise control over his fabulous strengths--his gregarious and fun-loving nature--so he could wield them appropriately. By practicing control over his assets as he matured, he became more effective.
The upside of being able to engage others with a great sense of humor is these are personal assets that--when managed properly--can help you go far in life. As an adult, Sean has put those strengths to use in his work.
My son, Sean--an extrovert--has a great sense of humor that used to get him in trouble when he was in middle school. He would talk too much and joke around during class--and ultimately annoy his teachers who would note these weaknesses on his report card.
Back in middle school, I told Sean his lesson was to learn how to exercise control over his fabulous strengths--his gregarious and fun-loving nature--so he could wield them appropriately. By practicing control over his assets as he matured, he became more effective.
The upside of being able to engage others with a great sense of humor is these are personal assets that--when managed properly--can help you go far in life. As an adult, Sean has put those strengths to use in his work.
Dance Joyfully
Love Who You Are
Before you can change or improve upon yourself, you must accept and love the
person you are now--warts and all.
Change begins with a belief in yourself--and
that means learning to leave your critics at the door while you enjoy your
so-called weaknesses.
If and when you're ready to balance your nature, practice exercising control over your strengths. Begin by gently pulling back on what you do well instead of attempting to get rid of something you view as bad.
Get in Front and Make it Look Like a Parade
Make it Look Like a
'When you're being run out of town, get in front and make it look like a parade' has been my life mantra (always thought it was PT Barnum quote...but not sure). It gets at the heart of embracing one's weaknesses and showcasing them as strengths.
'When you're being run out of town, get in front and make it look like a parade' has been my life mantra (always thought it was PT Barnum quote...but not sure). It gets at the heart of embracing one's weaknesses and showcasing them as strengths.
Stop hiding yourself--put yourself out there for all to see. Parade those warts.
Don't be too quick to accept other's judgments on your imperfections. Within your imperfections lie great treasures worth parading in front of others. Learn to laugh at your foibles--and be ready to forgive yourself for your weaknesses.
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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