Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Choose to Receive Life with Optimism, Perseverance and Hope


There is an unseen life that dreams us.
It knows our true direction and destiny.

John O'Donohue

We can trust ourselves more than we realize
And we need have no fear of change.

John O'Donohue

Life is but a dream....


It is not what life brings us,
but the manner in which we receive it
that shapes our destiny.

Marie Dubsky, Freifrau Von Ebner-Eschen Bach

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all.

Emily Dickinson

Choose to Receive Life with Optimism, Perseverance and Hope

What has life brought you that you're struggling with at the moment? 
How are you receiving it? How are you handling it?

 Our lives are full of surprises some exhilarating; some difficult. 
It's up to you to make what life brings you into what you want 
despite the sometimes overwhelming challenges.

No matter how difficult the challenge, you can choose 
your attitude and response. How you view and think about
each life challenge determines how well you handle it, 
and it shapes your ability to handle the next.

Each challenge you face with optimism, perseverance 
and hope becomes a building block for successfully handling the next.
You become stronger and more capable each time you
successfully navigate one of life's difficulties or disappointments.

Accept what is,
Let go of what was,
Create what must be.

Andrea Balt

Choose to be strong, optimistic and hopeful in the face of
life's challenges. Let your optimistic response chisel you into a strong 
individual capable of conquering this thing called life.

Never forget you have everything within you to create the life you
want and to overcome the most difficult of challenges.
Life isn't always easy, but you got this! 

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart

Wake at dawn with a winged heart 
and give thanks for another day of loving.

Kahlil Gibran

May Our heart's garden of awakening bloom
with hundreds of flowers.

Thich Nhat Hanh

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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