Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Nail that Job Interview--Let Anger and Bitterness Go

'If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. '

Lao Tzu

Want to nail that job interview? Cultivate a happy state of mind.

 Research shows you can train yourself to develop a more optimistic mindset—making it easier to answer interview questions in a positive, self-confident manner. Invest in a journal, and train yourself to develop a more positive mindset to nail your next interview. Choose one of these writing exercises to do daily.

 Exercise #1: Write a positive note to yourself or someone in your support network.

 Believe it. No, this isn't pie-in-the-sky, Pollyanna thinking.  Happiness research shows you perform better under pressure with an optimistic outlook. You can make significant improvements in your outlook in three weeks with daily writing exercises.

 Exercise #2 Write down three things you're grateful for today.

 Let go of anger and bitterness. Sure, if you've lost your job 'getting happy' may sound easier said than done. But hold on to anger and bitterness over 'how-they-done-you-wrong' in the last job and you'll fail to land the next one. Interviewers weed out people stuck in the past. Better to invest in your future by preparing for your next job interview through boosting your happiness quotient.

 Exercise #3 Write a positive note to a former co-worker or boss.

 Prepare by fixating on the positive. You know what you'd really like to say to the interviewer when she asks 'why did you leave your last job' or 'how did you handle conflict with a previous co-worker'. Without preparing ahead your mind fixates on the negative—and there goes the job. Fixate on the positive instead.

So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key.”  

From the song Already Gone by The Eagles.
Thank you Carol Speller for this quote.

For more on creating a more optimistic mindset see Shawn Achor on Happy Secret to Better Work


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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lose Your Job? Difficulties at Work? Embrace Adversity and Make it Work For You

You're not the first person to lose or hate your job and you won't be the last. As much as we hate to admit it, adversity is a powerful teacher, nudging us on to greatness. Choose to embrace adversity. Check out how some of the greats who've struggled before you have come to terms with adversity.

Be Strong. Friedrich Nietzsche said, "What doesn't kill us makes us stronger." While being unemployed and struggling to find work or struggling to stay in a deadend job  is uncomfortable, you can find your strength and purpose through the process. Walt Disney wrote, "All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."

Break Records. Writer William Arthur Ward wrote: "Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." Steve Jobs was spurred on to achieve more after being fired from Apple. Don't let your situation break you; let it spur you on to greatness.

Reveal Your Talents. Horace said: "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant." Look past your self-doubt and self-consciousness to discover your talents. Let the discomfort motivate you to dig deep to unleash your hidden talents. "Adversity reveals genius, prosperity conceals it." Horace

Become a Better You. "Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with," wrote Thomas Carlyle. You are a jewel being polished by your struggles. Accept this truth and you'll become the gem that shines.

Courage means to Take Heart

Do you know the origins of the word 'Courage'? First known use of the word was in the 14th century. The word courage   has been traced  back to  corage (Middle English;, curage, quer, and coer  meaning  heart (Anglo-French); and cor (Latin) meaning  more at heart.
Synonyms for Courage: great heartedness, guts, gutsiness, hardihood, heart, heroism, intestinal fortitude,  moxie, nerve, prowess, stoutness, valor, virtue

Take Heart in Your Struggles

Find Great Heartedness within Yourself

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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keep Your Cool Under Pressure

Cool As A Cucumber Strategy

Are projects and deadlines piling up at work and tempers flaring? Want to be the cool voice of reason even when others are in full-frenzy mode? Learn how to keep your cool under pressure using this cool as a cucumber strategy when things get hot.

·       Expect crises. One thing you can always count on at work—another crisis is just around the bend. It's easier to be calm, clear and focused in crises when you learn to expect them as a natural part of working. Once you accept crises as business-as-usual, you can have a plan in hand to help you handle the stress-filled times calmly. 

·         Practice the pause. Train yourself to pause when you start to feel overwhelmed. Take a couple of deep breaths and relax. You have two nervous systems you can kick into gear—one for stressing and one for relaxing. The good news is you can't be stressed and relaxed at the same time. Those conscious deep breaths serve to switch you onto the relaxed track.

·         Act, don't react. There is a moment between when something happens (crisis) and when you respond. It is in that moment you have the choice to act consciously or react unconsciously. When you pause to catch your breath, you allow yourself to choose a calm, conscious course of action. Always give yourself time to think calmly and set priorities under pressure.

·         Stay well-nourished. Get in the habit of eating a good breakfast with protein daily. When it's crunch time, you'll perform better.

Choose to bring your best!

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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Leave Your Safe Harbor to Pursue Your Dreams

What are your dreams and aspirations? What's stopping you from following them? Like the rest of us, you're faced with discovering the best way to get the most out of life. Playing it safe will only lead you to a disappointing existence. Start chasing your dreams. Learn three reasons why knowing what matters to you is the key to having the courage to pursue your dreams.

Move out of your safety zone. William Shedd said, "A ship is safe in a harbor, but that's not what ships are for." Like a ship you, too, must move out of your safe place to achieve a satisfying and happy life and be who you're meant to be. This requires you to risk being hurt, wrong, scared, disappointed, rejected, and ridiculed.

When it really matters, it's no risk at all. Putting yourself out there and going after what you want is a risk. The courage to risk comes from discovering what matters to you.

Start by defining what you want out of life at this moment so you can better guide your choices and daily actions. What you care about matters--it is the wind in your sails propelling you forward into a satisfying life adventure.

Discover what matters to you so you can:

·         Concentrate your limited time and energy on those things that count.

·         Plan your life so you feel more control over the things that matter to you.

·         Create a sense of urgency for the things that are most important to you.

"Concentrate on things that count so you
feel more control over what matters to you today."

A ship is safe in a habor, but that's not what ships are for.

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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Looking for Work? Discover What Makes You Come Alive and Go Do It!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  Howard Thurman 
What Makes You Come Alive?
  • What puts a twinkle in your eye?
  • What gets your blood boiling?
  • What makes your heart race?
  • What's something you'd really like to sink your teeth into?
  • What captures your mind's eye?

Coming Alive--Again

I had the most interesting dream last night. In the dream I allowed myself to be killed over and over again to show people I came alive again. It wasn't a morbid dream. It was more reflective of my experience of being deadened by life experiences only to come alive again and triumph.

Sometimes I Feel Like a Quivering Bowl of Jello

Sure, this economy can sometimes make you feel like a quivering bowl of jello--stuck in indecisiveness and failing to act because you don't know what the right step is that will work out for you.

But here's the thing--within you is a desire to serve the world using your unique skills and talents. But what are they and how do you access them when you feel deadened by your current circumstances?

What's My Calling?

I was catching up with a friend the other day who just returned from spending two months caring for her aging parents. As we were catching up on life she said, "I don't know what my purpose is right now. I don't know what I am supposed to be doing or what my calling is. I know it isn't care-giving."

When you're in the midst of dealing with major life issues--like caring for aging parents, being laid off, or graduating from college into a poor job market--it creates an emotional cloud around your thinking. Trying to make logical, rational or heart-felt decisions about your purpose or life calling can feel like you're asking the black 8-ball a question and getting 'reply hazy, try again'.

Have Faith in Your Inner Wisdom

When your senses are numbed have faith in your inner wisdom to shines a light on the path that makes you come alive--then act as if--and take a step. This is a variation on 'trust, but verify'. In this instance you trust your inner self to know your path--but you test the truth of that wisdom by taking action. You'll know soon enough if you want to continue down this path or choose another direction.

An enterprising young man was laid off and searching for a new career path that allowed him to contribute to society. He called to ask what I thought about him training to become an EMT. Although he loved the idea of being able to serve people, he wasn't sure he was cut out to deal with trauma.

I could tell this direction held excitement for him despite his fear. "Go ahead, step into the training and see how it feels", I said. "You'll know if its right for you as you experience each step. You are good in a crisis and the training would not be wasted. Who knows? Perhaps EMT training combined with your other experiences will lead you to create something completely new."

Life is an Experiment

All of life is an experiment. You start with a hypothesis--or idea of the truth about what makes you come alive--and you actively test your theory through taking practical steps to see if you indeed come alive by taking that path.

Don't let your life experience keep you down. Choose to triumph over the obstacles that get in the way of you coming alive. You always have another step to take.

"Faith may be defined briefly as an illogical belief in the occurrence of the improbable."   H.L. Mencken

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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Are You Waiting For? Go For it ~ and Come Alive!

 "The gap between your expectations and reality is your suffering. Remove your expectations, and you will appreciate each moment for what it has to offer. Remember, you are all that you need in order to be at peace." Elina St-Onge

What are you waiting for?

You know there is something calling you--something or someone you are curious about and feel drawn to.

Stop making it complicated.

Follow your interests and take a simple step toward the idea, person, job, training, or life that keeps popping into your consciousness. What is it you would do if you knew you couldn't fail?

 Go For It!

Live the life you imagine--and actively step into it. Experiment. Take one step and see how it feels. You'll know where you want to go as you step into life and experience what you imagined.

 Come Alive!

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

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Host a Lightarted Event 

For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Are You a Quiet Extravert or Outspoken Introvert?

What Energizes You?
💓  Do you prefer to work alone or with other people?
💙  What do you do when you need to re-energize after a long day?
💚  Do you prefer to think before you speak or do you prefer to just jump in and figure things out as you go?
💛  When you begin a new project, do you prefer to check in with other people to find out what they think or do you prefer to delve into your own research to determine what you think?
💜  When you want to relax do you prefer to interact with the world outside you or do you prefer to escape into your inner world?

Extraverts and Introverts are not defined by ability to talk or be quiet

Hi, my name is Susan and I'm an extravert. While some may describe extraversion as an addiction to talking or an inability to shut up this just isn't the case any more than introversion is an inability to speak up. There are quiet extraverts and outspoken introverts. And we all need quiet and solitude in our day to be effective.

Extraversion and introversion are better understood as the way we prefer to pay attention to and explore our lives, and therefore what tends to energize us.

If you're an extravert you prefer to scan and interact with the world outside yourself; if you're an introvert you prefer to scan and interact with the world inside your head.

💓  Extraverts' interests whose attention turns to the outer world have broad, expansive interests. 
💓  Introverts' interests whose attention turns inward have narrower, deeper interests.

Are You an Innie or an Outie? 

Which world holds your attention more--the inner world or the outer world around you? While we all must live in both worlds to balance our lives, we spend more time in the world we prefer.

💓 Outies Extraverts are energized and stimulated by interacting with the people and things in the world around them and tend to spend more time here.
💓 Innies Introverts are energized and stimulated by interacting with ideas and thoughts inside their head and tend to spend more time there.

If you are an innie, or introvert, you are more private and independent in your approach to solving problems. You hold conversations in your head and may even think you answered that person with the puzzled expression who never got an answer to his question. You tend to hold your own counsel rather than checking in with others.

Innies are interested in understanding the world and less interested in changing it. Once you gain your AHA moment you may feel your job is done.

To do your best work and re-energize yourself:

  • Give yourself time to think before meetings when you're expected to speak up. 
  • Ask ahead of time what questions others need you to answer.
  • Write your thoughts and ideas down.
  • Give yourself quiet time to regroup throughout your day. It's hard work for an innie to be in the outer world all day.

If you are an outie, or extravert, you are more comfortable in the outer world, check in with others more, and appear to be more of an open book to others. Outies are interested in understanding the world so they can change it. Faced with your AHA moment you may feel your job has just started.

To do your best work and re-energize yourself:
  • Find people who like to engage in lively brainstorming sessions that allow you to just jump in and discover what you think.
  • Do something to interact with information to learn—don't read instructions--have someone show you how to do something or just start playing; poll others to discover what they think; draw a picture to visualize an idea.
  • Engage in active undertakings to relax—garden, paint, walk, tinker with the computer, or go hiking.

Hi, my name is Susan and I am an extraverted writer

As you've seen here, extraverts aren't people who talk all the time. We are defined by being energized or stimulated by the outer world.

Extraverts are great at getting things going. We don't wait until we know what we're thinking or where we're going—we just jump into the conversation and start to explore.

As an extraverted writer, I like to toss out my latest interests to others to see what they know or what might come back that furthers my research. And true to my extraverted nature I check in with everyone before I begin to write—and oft times meander into a run-on-sentence experience as written below.

I offer this 'slice of life as viewed through the eyes of an extravert' so you can more readily experience the extravert not as an always talking 'vert' but as an always interacting with the world around us 'vert'—and to show the symbiotic relationship between introverts and extraverts who value each other's gifts.

A Slice of Life viewed through the Eyes of an Extravert

"The other day I opened an email from my introverted sister-in-law who shared a book, 'Wheat Belly', she thought I should look into for my research on ancient grains vs. modern grains. On her recommendation I jumped on to Amazon to view the book where I got waylaid by a mission statement made by the book's publisher Rodale Press, compelling me to contemplate the usefulness of mission statements and start a blog post on the topic. When I returned to review Wheat Belly on Amazon I realized this fabulous reference was sent to me by an introvert in my tribe which led me to start this blog post on the quiet extravert. Flitting back to missions, I decided to check what I wrote on Linkedin for my own mission statement when I saw an article recommended from a colleague that caught my attention--The Inspiration Paradox: Your Best Creative Time Is Not When You Think in Scientific American that I had to read and comment on before I finally returned to Amazon to download Wheat Belly to my Kindle. By now I was so excited by all the great stuff swirling around in my head I had to put it down and take the dog for a walk…..leading me to contemplate that all of this was accomplished over a four hour period of solitude without talking—and all because an introvert started me on my journey."
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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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Friday, March 9, 2012

Overcome Self-Consciousness in Interviews and Public Speaking

Feeling Self-Conscious about Speaking in Public?

·         Are you apprehensive about an upcoming job interview?

·         Do you get uneasy when you speak in meetings?

·         Do you feel self-conscious and exposed when you attempt to be more visible?

Get over yourself! Stop making yourself a wreck. Learn to speak comfortably in front of large or small groups by taking the focus off you and using silence to be heard more.

The two golden rules of communication—break them at your peril

Years ago I watched as a nervous instructor gave her first lecture in anatomy at UCLA. This rookie instructor was so nervous she talked non-stop without pausing to take a breath.

Twenty minutes into the 50-minute lecture she was finished. Upon reaching the end of her lecture notes, she looked up to find herself face-to-face with 200 angry students with writer's cramp and bad attitudes.

Another very energetic and talented colleague was excited, but nervous about interviewing for a new position. When asked how her interview went, she laughed and said, "I think I was too busy looking competent to get the job."

In their quests to look competent, both the novice instructor and nervous interviewee had broken the golden rules of effective communication:

·         Be other-conscious, not self-conscious

·         Practice the pause

Be Other-Conscious

The frightened anatomy instructor made the mistake all unskilled communicators make--she was so concerned about how she came across to her audience, she ignored how the students received the information. She wasn't listening to her audience, she was watching herself. And the anxious interviewee also succumbed to her nervousness, becoming self-conscious about how she looked and sounded and as a result passed her nervousness on to the interviewers.

The sign of a good communicator is not the ability to talk, but the ability to relax and listen—especially if you're giving a presentation or interviewing for a job. If you want to be heard, you must learn to listen to and observe your audience's interest and comfort level.

Be Comfortable to Create a Comfortable Setting

If you relate to the experiences of these competent but self-conscious professionals, learn to regain your composure and calm in public presentations by focusing on the comfort of your audience instead of yourself.

According to one UCLA study over 90% of your ability to communicate effectively is determined not by what you say, but by your nonverbal cues.

The words you use are only responsible for seven percent of the impact on your audience, while up to 37 % of a first impression you make on others is based on your tone of voice. If you're nervous and uncomfortable you'll convey that to others in the room through your body language and they'll take on your discomfort--decreasing your effectiveness and ability to influence them.

In addition to preparing your material for an interview or presentation, prepare yourself to focus on the comfort of your audience by centering yourself with the four messages all audience want to hear. You'll convey these four messages nonverbally when you walk into the room, greet your audience, and anytime you pause, smile and relax.

The Four Messages all Audiences want to Hear

I'm glad I'm here.

I'm glad you're here.

I care about you.

I know that I know.

Other-Consciousness Raises Your Self-Confidence

When you pay attention to the needs and comfort of your audience you'll be rewarded with an increase in self-confidence. When you focus on the needs of others, you'll discover the secret desire of all audiences that your self-consciousness previously hid from you.

The Secret Desire of all Audiences

Whether you're giving a presentation or interviewing for a job, everyone in the room secretly hopes you'll do an outstanding job—even the skeptics.

Why? People who took time out of their busy day to interview you or attend your presentation want to be validated for making a good use of their time. Simply put, people hate wasting their time. They want to connect with you and be wowed by you so they have something to show for their time. They want a 'take away' and they want to end the search for the perfect candidate with you. There are no critics in the room with you—only colleagues who sincerely hope you're the one.

Practice the Pause

In this time-oriented society, you've got to be able to get your message across in less time. But don't focus on how little time you have to make your mark--focus on how to capture your listener's attention. Pause, listen, and learn.

Don't focus on how little time you have to make your mark--focus on how to capture your listener's attention.

In the timeless children's story, Stone Soup, that's exactly what a hungry soldier did when the townspeople wouldn't give him the time of day.

At first the hungry soldier went door to door telling people he was hungry. But he got nothing but doors slammed in his face.

When he paused and listened, he changed his approach. He stopped telling people what he needed and started getting their attention. He went out into the town square, lit a fire, put a kettle of water on, and started to stir.

The result? When he stopped talking, people started listening. One by one the curious townspeople came over to ask what he was doing. Suddenly time was no longer an issue.

Find a way to capture your audience's attention—ask questions they're interested in, weave stories based on their experiences, offer unique perspectives, and then give them time to ponder your points.

"Silence is one of the great arts of conversation."  Marcus Tullius Cicero

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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends and colleagues.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Get Out of Your Negative Rut

'By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try the world is beyond the winning.' Lao Tzu

Do you find yourself focusing on things that aren't going well during your work day, or perhaps the piles of things you failed to get to? Stop beating yourself up--learn to pay more attention to what's going well instead. Shift your focus to your achievements by learning how to take an inventory of your day with four questions.

Take a daily inventory. By consciously and deliberately focusing on what's going well in your life you'll train your brain to accent the positive. It may feel awkward or forced at first, but do it anyway. With consistent focus on the good stuff you'll shift out of a negative groove into a positive channel in three to five weeks. Set aside 15-minutes a day to focus on the good stuff.

Re-focus by writing. Our natural tendency is to focus on the negative in our heads making it difficult to shift our thinking towards the positive. The negative track is too deep. It's essential you write it down. The physical act of writing the questions and your answers each day focuses your attention as it moves you into a different part of your brain. Get a notebook or journal to collect your positive actions and life experiences.

Ask yourself these four questions to accent the positive:

·         What is working well for you at work and home?

·         What have you accomplished that you've failed to acknowledge?

·         What is the most meaningful thing you did in the last 24 hours?

·         What is one meaningful step you could take today?

'Appreciate yourself and honor your soul. Love your soul.'  Yogi Bhajan

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Would you like to Host a Lightarted Event?

For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends and colleagues.