Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Affirmations in Action

By your actions  you build
yourself up or tear yourself down.
Choose to create personal strength and resiliency.

When my son was a toddler I started the day by asking him, 'Sean, do you want to have a good day or a bad day?' He would always choose a good one.

I think most of us would choose to have a good day too--if we stopped and thought about it.

And that's the point, isn't it---stopping to think about it. Practicing the pause.
Putting our mind at rest at the beginning of the day so we can choose our attitude and direction for the day----no matter what lies before us.

If you think about it, every moment of every day you're training your body and mind for something. By your actions (or inaction) you're either building yourself up or tearing yourself down--creating or destroying personal strength and resiliency.

Why allow negative images and anxious thoughts to unconsciously permeate your thoughts when you could choose differently?

When you practice the pause, you have a choice: You can choose to affirm the positive or the negative. When given a conscious choice, very few of us will choose to purposely fill our heads with negativity.

I am at peace with myself

  • What does this mean to you?
  • What do you need to do to put it into action?
  • How can you let it seep into your deepest beliefs?

Give a Gift of Encouragement and Hope

 I love creating watercolored affirmation hearts. Each affirmation is simple, positive and colorful. Our brains like that...and I do too.

Is there someone in your life you would like to encourage and support? Commission a Felted Life Change Purse filled with affirmation hearts to send a message of love, hope, encouragement and inspiration for moving through life transitions. See About Me for contact information.