Sunday, November 24, 2024

Have Yourself a Merry Little Day


Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Happy Everything!

Every little thing's gonna be alright

Despite the world going crazy;
Despite the losses and hardships all around;
Strive to manifest a little happiness 
into your life each day.

Every day, take little breaks from 
thinking about your problems
to find ways to be contented 
and joyful for one little day.

Don't sweat the small stuff;
learn to take life in stride.
After a loss or hardship,
regain your composure
one little moment at a time.

Go on, 
let a little lightness 
seep into your life today.

You'll get by much better, 
with a little help from your friends,
if you'll only let them show you 
every little thing's gonna be alright
once again.

Little by little you'll be lifted up,
so starting today, 
just for a little while,
Have yourself a merry little day,
and find a reason to smile.