You're Right on Time! |
Father Time came down to see
was going on.
As he
looked around at all of us
He determined
everything was fine.
right on time,
and exactly
where you need to be.
not early or late,
not messing up,
you’re navigating this life just fine."
"So, stop complaining and worrying yourself,
enjoy your prized earth-time.”
"Today, strengthen your spine to
take the most important steps
to assure your future shines."
Ask yourself each morning:
What are the three most important
steps I can take today to move my life forward?
Beginning with the hardest one, take one small step.
Next, take one small step on the second step,
and then, take one small step on the third step.
Tomorrow start all over again.
"This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine!"