Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Everything my Brother Learned he Learned from his Dogs

There was a Rascally Man who had a Rascally Dog....

It's my older brother's birthday today.  Royce has been a rascal his whole life. As I pondered what birthday message to send him, I figured his beloved rascally dog, Rosie, was the one to best deliver the message.

We are a family who love our animals, and we bestow upon them all our love and good humor. When they talk, we listen. 

Rosie Channels Will Rogers' Humorous Wisdom

Rosie knows Royce extremely well, having sat alongside him for years as he negotiated his way through life. She is therefore in the best position to pass on Will Roger's humorous take on life. Only she knows how fully Royce is the embodiment of Roger's target for his fun-loving advice. 

Rosie has often observed Royce touching the electric fence and attempting to argue with women (including herself!). She's watched him digging holes and sometimes even joined in the fun.

Rosie is a dog who sees everything (see all those eyes?). And as she embodies the feminine energy she knows it just doesn't work to argue with a woman! 

💓So on this day of Royce's birth, what Rosie really wants him to know is "you can teach an old dog new tricks, but a rascally dog will always remain a rascally dog anyway!"

Rosie channels Will Roger for Royce:

💓"If you find yourself digging a hole, stop digging."

💓"There are two theories to arguing with woman...neither of them work."

💓"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we don't know that ain't so."

💓"There are three kinds of men:
Those who learn by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest have to touch an electric fence."

Keep Your Sense of Humor and Keep on Keeping On!

What all dogs like Rosie know is a dog is who a dog is. They fully accept us for who we are and simply enjoy the show. They love the rascally side of us, and egg us on. Their one request is that we keep them in the communication loop at all times and allow them to supervise our activities.

So happy birthday, dear Royce--wishing you keep your sense of humor and keep on keeping on.

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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