'Never order food in excess of your body weight.' Erma Bombeck
Fun Fractal Cauliflower--and an Introduction to Delightful Repast
What do you think of that natural 'fractal' cauliflower design? I'm amazed by the geometrically repeating pattern of this cauliflower and love to consume one small section at a time. It makes me feel good to eat it, as I savor each tiny section. You just know this exquisitely designed cruciferous vegetable tastes better.
I love food. Food is fun, comforting and life-enhancing--and that is what Jean at Delightful Repast is all about--life enhancing, beautifully prepared and presented comfort food shared with family and friends. Jean reminds me of my proper, but fun-loving mother, with her interest in history, family, and wholesome foods.
I was properly introduced to Jean and her tasty blog through my Life-Enhancing blog cohort, Grant Soosalu. Jean serves up a bit of history, beautifully presented dishes and weekly recipes made with fresh, wholesome ingredients. I am compelled to try many of the recipes Jean serves up--they look and sound so good--and the dishes have received rave reviews from my husband.
Today I am properly introducing you to Jean and Delightful Repast through one of Grant's posts highlighting Jean. If you like good food, take a look at Food for Thought--Delightful Repast, to learn about Jean's philosophy on food, then check out Delightful Repast for recipes.
'If more of us valued food and cheer and song above
hoarded gold,
it would be a merrier world.' J.R.R. Tolkien