Friday, February 14, 2025

Lightarted Living: To Put the World Right When it Goes Dark Build Bac...

Lightarted Living: To Put the World Right When it Goes Dark Build Bac...:  

To Put the World Right When it Goes Dark Build Back the Lightness


Everywhere I look I see a helping hand
extended to you and me

Friends helping friends

Neighbors helping neighbors

Strangers helping others in need

Me helping you

and you helping me. 

In the year of the snake

Let's slide into each day

curled up into a restful state

to gather our energy

for the year ahead.

Let's watch as life unfolds naturally

and effortlessly, letting those seeds

we planted last year sprout and blossom .

Let's not waste energy forcing life forward.

Gentleness can accomplish what force cannot.

Let's slow down, be gentle with ourselves.

Let's save that big stick to use when we really need it.

Let's extend a helping hand to each other

and accept a helping hand when we're in need. 

To put the world right when it goes dark we need to build back the lightness, 

gather and refresh our energy, and begin by building ourselves and 

those around us up. These are the little things we can do. 

How can we make a difference when the world goes dark?

Small daily decisions add up and make a difference over a lifetime.

Choose to make small daily decisions 

to bring a spot of lightness into the world around you.


To Put the World Right When it Goes Dark Build Back the Lightness


Everywhere I look I see a helping hand
extended to you and me

Friends helping friends

Neighbors helping neighbors

Strangers helping others in need

Me helping you

and you helping me. 

In the year of the snake

Let's slide into each day

curled up into a restful state

to gather our energy

for the year ahead.

Let's watch as life unfolds naturally

and effortlessly, letting those seeds

we planted last year sprout and blossom .

Let's not waste energy forcing life forward.

Gentleness can accomplish what force cannot.

Let's slow down, be gentle with ourselves.

Let's save that big stick to use when we really need it.

Let's extend a helping hand to each other

and accept a helping hand when we're in need. 

To put the world right when it goes dark we need to build back the lightness, 

gather and refresh our energy, and begin by building ourselves and 

those around us up. These are the little things we can do. 

How can we make a difference when the world goes dark?

Small daily decisions add up and make a difference over a lifetime.

Choose to make small daily decisions 

to bring a spot of lightness into the world around you.