Weather Forecast--Outlook Bright and Sunny
Weather or not you've been going through tough times, trust you're about to turn the corner to better days ahead. When rainy, cloudy days show up, put on your heavy weather gear, look past the overcast days, and keep slogging your way to brighter days.
Here Comes the Sun
....And your 'Somewhere over the Rainbow' is right around the corner.

Forecast Your Future: Blue Skies and a Sunny Disposition
Whatever challenges you're facing, picture yourself turning the corner with sunny days ahead. Imagine the best and soon you'll be experiencing the best.
If you need a moment to regroup after being hit with yet another obstacle to moving forward, do something to refresh yourself, and then refresh your vision for blue skies and a sunny disposition. Continue to actively move toward your blue skies life.

💓Create a bright vision for your future.
💓Keep your mind's eye firmly focused on the sun coming out and look for your 'somewhere over the rainbow' on rainy days.
💓With your eyes clearly focused on good things coming your way...soon the sun will be shining so bright and everything in life will be going so right.
Good Fortune Forecast
In every life a little rain must fall. By resetting and refreshing your sights on rainy days you remind yourself you have what it takes to create the life you want, and you make it easier to actively keep playing the game of life.
Don't let a rainy or cloudy period get you down. Accept rain and clouds as a natural part of life and deal with them by looking beyond them.
Find a way to make today a good day. Never lose sight of good things coming your way.
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day.