Friday, April 9, 2021

Underneath the Darkness There is Always Light


Inside Your Head

What's going on inside your head?

When you look out of your eyes, do you 
see the darkness or the light of your life?

Do you see the opportunities or the roadblocks?

Do you see the challenges or the obstacles?

How do you Begin your Day?

When you greet the day,
do you open your eyes looking 
for the sweet wags of puppy dog tails 
or the scary teeth of beasts out to do you harm?

Are you left feeling hopeful or full of despair?

Tap into Your Light and Strength

Within in all of us 
is the ability to tap into our own light.

Beneath any darkness or dire circumstances
that may momentarily overwhelm you,
lies your strength, resiliency, and light.

Reach for that inner strength and light within you.

As Amanda Gorman so poetically stated:

"For there is always light if only we're brave enough to see it;
If only we're brave enough to be it."

Be Brave. Be the Light. See the Light.

Trust your strength. 

Trust your ability to handle whatever life throws at you.

Dig deep and access that well of light within you.

Live in the light of hope.

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