Lightarted Living: Audacious Introverts and Extroverts have the Coura...: The Courage to Speak and Act Sometimes when life hits us a big blow--or perhaps many little ones--our resolve to tackle life head on ...
In support of Christine Blasley Ford having the courage to speak up.
Small Daily Decisions Over a Lifetime Add Up. Engage in Life ~ Step Over Invisible Barriers ~ Find Your Voice ~ Follow Your Dreams ~ Make Your Life Count NOW.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Lightarted Living: Now What? Getting On with Life
Lightarted Living: Now What? Getting On with Life: So that just Happened...Now What? ��You completed your cancer treatment and just got a clean bill of health. You're quietly rel...
Lightarted Living: Now What? Getting On with Life
Lightarted Living: Now What? Getting On with Life: So that just Happened...Now What? ��You completed your cancer treatment and just got a clean bill of health. You're quietly rel...
Now What? Getting On with Life
So that just Happened...Now What?
💓You completed your cancer treatment and just got a clean bill of health. You're quietly relieved. Now What?
💓You focused for a year on creating a spectacular wedding that was a beautiful, warm event. You're tired and happy. Now What?
💓You finally got pregnant and just delivered your first baby. You're tired and in love. Now What?
💓You just lost faith in your current job and you're contemplating your future. You're weary and discombobulated. Now What?
💓You've been looking forward to retiring and the big day is finally here. You're excited and scared. Now What?
The answer to 'Now What?' is always the same--no matter what the situation--good or bad:
"Accept What Is; Release What Was; Create What Must Be". Andrea Balt
"Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom." Rumi
All Things Seemingly Good or Bad Work in My Favor
Staying engaged in life is about putting one foot in front of another whether you're recovering from or stepping into a scary experience, or coming down from a long anticipated happy event. There's always the next step.
If you accept 'all things seemingly good or bad work in your favor' you'll condition yourself to always take that next step towards the sun, preparing yourself to be in 'full bloom' and happy.
"Hope is like the sun, which as we journey towards it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us." Samuel Smiles
The trick is to recognize which way the sunshine is--i.e. what is the life path that will give you the brightest rays of hope and the sunniest disposition. You've got to name what it is you want in your next phase of your journey and focus your attention with the brightest laser beam on the step that will open up the most light into your life--and then take it.
We all have our moments of doubt, when we question if the good news or happy times will be followed by bad; or we wonder if we'll ever get out of the difficult times. But the more we choose to step towards the sun no matter what, the more sunshine fills our lives.
"There was never a night or problem that could defeat sunrise or hope." Bernard Williams
Here Comes the Sun
💓What do you need to accept about your current situation?
💛What do you need to let go?
💜What do you need to create to let the sun into your life and future?
Believe in Yourself
Believe in Your Life
Believe in Your Dreams
Create what Must Be
Sign Up for Free E-mail updatesFor more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.
Sunday, September 16, 2018
Lightarted Living: Eckhart Tolle on Stillness~Create Spaciousness in ...
Lightarted Living: Eckhart Tolle on Stillness~Create Spaciousness in ...: "No relationship can thrive without the sense of spaciousness that comes with stillness." Eckhart Tolle in Sti...
Lightarted Living: Eckhart Tolle on Stillness~Create Spaciousness in ...
Lightarted Living: Eckhart Tolle on Stillness~Create Spaciousness in ...: "No relationship can thrive without the sense of spaciousness that comes with stillness." Eckhart Tolle in Sti...
Eckhart Tolle on Stillness~Create Spaciousness in Your Relationships
"No relationship can thrive without
the sense of spaciousness that comes with stillness."
Eckhart Tolle in Stillness Speaks
'True Listening'
Karen King and Susan J Meyerott
True listening is a way to bring stillness
into your relationship.
Eckhart Tolle in Stillness Speaks

Create a Sense of Spaciousness
Be Still
"Most human interactions are confined to
the exchange of words~the realm of thought.
It is essential to bring stillness into relationships.
No relationship can thrive
without a sense of spaciousness."
Eckhart Tolle in Stillness Speaks
True Hearts~True Friends
Today's post is dedicated to my dear friend, Karen King,
co-artist of 'True Listening'. Karen has joined the ranks of artists
allowing me to scribble on their art so I may better listen
and sit in stillness alongside them.
No matter the time or distance that separates us,
Karen and I are forever connected. It was Karen who
introduced me to the idea of deep listening 28 years ago
as we tried to outdo each other listening deeply
before erupting in 'True Laughter'.
True Listening
True Laughter
True Hearts
True Friends
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Friday, September 7, 2018
Lightarted Living: Horse Whispers and Horse Comfort
Lightarted Living: Horse Whispers and Horse Comfort: Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch... "There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." ...
Horse Whispers and Horse Comfort
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...
"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." Sir Winston Churchill
The Scent of a Horse
In my youth, Saturday mornings were family work days when we spent the day outside, helping my father work in the garden and tend to the animals. Our chores would culminate with my father loading us in the station wagon to go to the local stables to haul horse manure to spread in the garden.
I have to say there is no scent better than that of horse manure and the scent of a horse barn. It's earthy, warm, and to me is the scent of love. The sweet smell of horse manure will forever be associated with those Saturday jaunts with my father to those stables.
For my younger sister, Nancy, I know this is particularly true. As an adolescent, Nancy wasn't interested in playing with dolls. She loved horses and played 'horsey' until my father got Nancy a real horse named Betty.
Okay, Betty was a Welch Pony--but she was 15 hands and full of herself. Betty was with us for many fun-loving years of riding until she died when Nancy was a teenager.
Nancy was devastated when, as so often happens with a horse, in a single day she watched Betty grow violently sick and die. It would be years before she enjoyed the comfort of a horse again.
"In the quiet light of the stable, you hear a muffled snort, a stamp of a hoof, a friendly nicker. Gentle eyes inquire “How are you old friend?” and suddenly, all your troubles fade away." Unknown
How Are You Old Friend?
"Stay away from a horse long enough and you'll start tapping your fingers to the beat of a trot." Unknown
Although Nancy never lost her love of horses, it would be over 40 years before she had a chance to get another as grown-up activities needed her attention in the interim. In that span of 40 years she attended college, and became a nurse, wife, mother and primary caregiver for our parents.
Still, she often tapped her fingers to the beat of a trot....
So when our father passed away four years ago, and with both of her children also grown, Nancy was free for the first time in 40 years to seek a selfish childhood pleasure and she indulged her desire to get a horse.
When Nancy met Gus she felt like she'd met an old friend. Gus, an older, calm horse is a comfortable old charmer who of course loves carrots.
Spending days alongside Gus, Nan has renewed her sense of childhood innocence, with life unfolding in unhurried, lazy days at the ranch. Her days are measured in 'horse time'--caring for and riding horses, while building friendships with other down-to-earth 'horsey' people.
And like days of old, troubles melt away and there is nothing for Nan but being in the present surrounded by the horsey scent of love.
There is something comforting and familiar about an old horse that takes us to a place of feeling safe and loved. And when your first horse was a gift from your Daddy, those feelings of love are multiplied by warm memories that extend back in time.
Nancy has spent her life caring for others, including over 25 years of caring for our parents. When she gifted herself with Gus, it was a present well deserved.
"Let a horse whisper in your ear and breathe on your heart. You will never regret it." Unknown
I wish Nancy a happy birthday filled with horse whispers and horse comfort. May the horsey scent of love follow her home and fill her heart with joy.
"Love is like horse manure...not good unless spread around." Lightarted Sue
💓"He knows when you're happy.
💓He knows when you're comfortable.
💓He knows when you're confident.
💓And he always knows when you have carrots."
"When a horse greets you with a nicker and regards you with a large and liquid eye, the question of where you want to be has been answered." Unknown
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Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Lightarted Living: Everything my Brother Learned he Learned from his ...
Lightarted Living: Everything my Brother Learned he Learned from his ...: There was a Rascally Man who had a Rascally Dog.... It's my older brother's birthday today. Royce ha s been a rascal his w...
Everything my Brother Learned he Learned from his Dogs
There was a Rascally Man who had a Rascally Dog....
It's my older brother's birthday today. Royce has been a rascal his whole life. As I pondered what birthday message to send him, I figured his beloved rascally dog, Rosie, was the one to best deliver the message.
We are a family who love our animals, and we bestow upon them all our love and good humor. When they talk, we listen.
Rosie Channels Will Rogers' Humorous Wisdom
Rosie knows Royce extremely well, having sat alongside him for years as he negotiated his way through life. She is therefore in the best position to pass on Will Roger's humorous take on life. Only she knows how fully Royce is the embodiment of Roger's target for his fun-loving advice.
Rosie has often observed Royce touching the electric fence and attempting to argue with women (including herself!). She's watched him digging holes and sometimes even joined in the fun.
Rosie is a dog who sees everything (see all those eyes?). And as she embodies the feminine energy she knows it just doesn't work to argue with a woman!
💓So on this day of Royce's birth, what Rosie really wants him to know is "you can teach an old dog new tricks, but a rascally dog will always remain a rascally dog anyway!"
Rosie channels Will Roger for Royce:
💓"If you find yourself digging a hole, stop digging."
💓"There are two theories to arguing with woman...neither of them work."
💓"It isn't what we don't know that gives us trouble, it's what we don't know that ain't so."
💓"There are three kinds of men:
Those who learn by reading.
The few who learn by observation.
The rest have to touch an electric fence."
What all dogs like Rosie know is a dog is who a dog is. They fully accept us for who we are and simply enjoy the show. They love the rascally side of us, and egg us on. Their one request is that we keep them in the communication loop at all times and allow them to supervise our activities.
So happy birthday, dear Royce--wishing you keep your sense of humor and keep on keeping on.
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Saturday, September 1, 2018
Lightarted Living: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger?
Lightarted Living: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger?: Will Life Crush Your Spirit or Make You Stronger? What awful soul-crushing experiences have you had in your life? Have you allow...
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