Enough! Overcoming Little Annoyances Wearing You Out
What's Wearing on You?
- You have a good paying job—but the daily work is soul-killing;
- You landed a job—but you still don't have childcare.
- You finally retired--but you don't know what to do with your time.
Little Annoyances Affect Life Satisfaction
Don't Ignore Your Grain of Sand, Acknowledge it
We all face difficult decisions as we move through life. When faced with the difficulty of choosing between two less-than-optimum options, too often we freeze and make no decision at all--and this unresolved dilemma goes underground and begins to wear on us like the grains of sand in our walking shoes.
The problem with those annoying grains of sand is rather than choosing to pause to remove them we attempt to ignore them. But without acknowledging and embracing them we'll never find relief.
Choose to Create a Pearl instead of a Daily Grind
In a clam, that grain of sand has the potential of creating a pearl. You too have the possibility of creating something exquisite and beautiful in your life when you stop to to pay attention to what's working and what's not.
Those grains of sand are irritating and annoying—but they make us pay attention.
Stop ignoring the irritation in your life, acknowledge and embrace it. Choose to reach through the current irritation to create a better life.
Four Steps to Turn SAND into Your Pearl
1. Acknowledge and embrace the Irritation. Let yourself become aware and fully conscious of what's grating on you. Name it. Sit in it.
2. Keep on Walking. Do nothing. Let the irritation grow your awareness to produce your life pearl.
3. Stop. When you're ready--take off your shoes and shake it off. Choose your next action.
4. Start A New Direction--Take a step—any step—away from your irritant towards creating a better life NOW.
What's Your PEARL?
What PEARL can you create out of your grains of sand? Play with the letters in PEARL to create a positive picture of what you want to create out of your grain of sand.
Possibilities, Enthusiasm, Acceptance, Relationships, Love
Playful, Enjoyable, Action-oriented, Reliable, Loyal
"Each morning we are born again.
What we do today is what matters most."
The Buddha
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