Monday, December 18, 2023

Friends Long Long Ago



Many years have passed,
But I knew you well,
long, long ago.

still think kind thoughts of you~
So many fond memories;
So many stories told.

Deep within my heart and soul,
good thoughts of you I hold.

Today sweet memories of you emerged
reminding me of good times we shared;

I'm sending you love through the airwaves;
wherever you may be;

Just know that someone still loves you,
and that someone would be me.

I send this message of love to you  
in hopes you'll turn around and 
send a link to this post 
to the people you love 
who've been lingering 
in the back of your mind.

Love makes the world go round. 

Make new friends, 
but never, never forget 
the old friends from long, long ago!

1 comment:

  1. This made me think of my best friend all through high school. We went our separate ways after that, living far apart, but are still in contact via email. She's a friend so precious to me even though she's not a part of my everyday life. Another is my cousin I wrote about in my November blog post. Haven't actually seen her in many years.


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