Saturday, June 22, 2024

Lightarted Living: Sometimes Life is Harsh

Lightarted Living: Sometimes Life is Harsh:  

Sometimes Life is Harsh


Dream Secrets Revealed

You have what it takes to navigate
what life puts before you
even when life is harsh.

You have the strength to persistent  
despite the perceived dangers. 

Don't Be Afraid to Live Life to the Fullest

Where are you at this moment in life? Would you like to dream and achieve, or awaken and come alive?

Perhaps life has dealt you a blow and you feel beaten down or lulled to sleep to avoid the pain of reality--and you are neither interested in dreaming or awakening--you're just surviving.

Or perhaps you are in a moment in time when you're anticipating future negative events--layoff, retirement, divorce, illness, failure, or being left behind--and fear and anxiety clouds any thoughts of dreaming and looking forward with optimism.

Sure, sometimes life is harsh making you retreat and give up. We've all been there.

But don't be afraid to refresh your desire to dream or wake from your deep sleep. By redirecting your attention from your past or future onto today you can focus on the desires of your heart. Keep asking yourself what would make you feel fully alive today and let your mind focus on it.  

"When you want something, the entire universe 
conspires in helping you to achieve it."  Paulo Coelho

Our Dreams are our Song

In song the bird discloses it's life,
and our dreams disclose ours too.

Our dreams are our life songs 
revealing our deepest desires for living.

Our dreams are the secret workshop 
of our spirit that shapes our fate.

Dream, and allow your dreams to prepare you 
to jump into the cool emotional waters of life.

Don't be afraid to stick your neck out to create the life you desire. Life is a series of trials and challenges for all of us. No matter how many times you fall down, the correct response is to get back up. Be willing to look foolish in search of your dreams. Sometimes you must risk feeling foolish to come fully alive.

"You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen." Paulo Coelho

I expect my life 
to be good and joyous
from birth to death 
and through all eternity

It's never too late to reclaim your dreams and rekindle your spirit. Take time to create a clear vision for the life you want to live now. Look within to discover what makes you come alive. Step back into the world to put your dreams into action. It is never too early or too late to create a good and joyous life.

"Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens."   
Carl Jung


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