Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Let Bitterness and Hurt Go to Make Room for More Positive and Uplifting Experiences

What Hurts?

  • Who or what hurt you?
  • What are you bitter about?
  • Where in your heart of hearts do you feel life has let you down?
  • Why have you developed a "hardening of the attitudes'?

Sometimes life can leave you feeling betrayed and bitter. That's okay--acknowledge and name what you're feeling--and sit in your sorrow for a while. But when you're ready to brush yourself off and get back on top of the world, put your big girl pants on, and let it go. 

Like the rest of us, you want a life you can be fully engaged in--one in which you're productive, loved, and appreciated for the gifts you bring to the world. Why allow hurt and bitterness to hold you back? Invite your most resilient and powerful self to take the lead to consciously release any hurt and bitterness holding you back. 

You are not weak, and you are not a victim. You are a smart and capable person. You have within you whatever it takes to move through the challenges life presents you, and you're worthy of enjoying a rich, meaningful life. So don't let hurt feelings harbor in your soul.


Take charge of your emotions. Think about how the hurt and bitterness you're harboring inside gets in the way of you fully enjoying your life. Then consider what good things could happen if you let these soul-killing feelings go.

When you consciously cleanse hard feelings out of your soul you make room for more uplifting and positive experiences to appear in your life. And you can more easily see opportunities around you when you stop wasting your energy maintaining hurt and bitterness. So don't stuff your feelings; cleanse them.


Do You Care Enough about Yourself to let Hurt and Bitterness go?

The question is, if you're carrying a sense of hurt and bitterness do you care enough about yourself to let it go? 

Affirm 'my soul is cleansed of hurt and bitterness'--and take a step toward doing something affirming--one that fills you with feelings of self-worth, fulfillment, and connection to life and others. You are worth it. Do it now.

Why I Do What I Do

I love helping others tap into their more robust and resilient natures, particularly when working through self-doubt, life and career transitions, relationships, and self-confidence issues. 

I encourage you to take a nonjudgmental and growth-oriented path towards becoming the best person you’re meant to be—while encouraging you to appreciate the richness of who you already are. 

We're all in this awesome life together. When you lift yourself up, you lift up everyone around you. Join me in my quest to make it a better life for all by starting with yourself.

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