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No Ordinary Cat
When a seemingly ordinary cat came into Linda's life she soon saw into the cat's soul and saw what others did not see.
To Linda, this was no ordinary cat. This was a Goddess who'd come to live with her.
She chose a name befitting her: Brigid, after the fiery-haired Celtic goddess who wore a cloak of sunbeams, known as the goddess of transformation. And Brigid rewarded Linda by living up to her name.
"She was my pillow cat--my heart and soul. I lived with a Goddess who transformed my life."
I first learned about Brigid a few years ago after she'd already passed. At that time, Linda sent me pictures and a description of her deeply loved cat.
"Did you think Brigid was an ordinary cat?, Linda asked. "This cat--Brigid, 'the bright one' is associated with the goddess of fire and transformation. See how her coat glistens with golden flames?"
A Magnificant Cat Bringing Radiant Sunbeams of Love
Linda felt so fortunate to have Brigid come into her life. She had been chosen by this magnificent creature.
"Lucky me! Brigid the goddess of transformation making herself manifest in my livingroom!"
"All that radiance! Yet people who met Brigid dismissed her as an ordinary cat. But I saw her magnificence!"
Seeing the Extraordinary in the Ordinary
Yes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so is your outlook on life.
Imagine the relationship between Linda and Brigid. Once Linda saw Brigid's magnificence, their life together was filled with radiant sunbeams of love.
Words matter. Thoughts matter. Beliefs matter.
Our relationships with animals, humans and the world around us are determined by how we talk and think about them.
Talk about the beings around you in a derogatory manner and you set yourself up for conflict and misery; talk about others in ordinary terms and you'll experience a mundane existence with them. But think about others in elevated terms and you set yourself up for radiant sunbeams of love coming your way.
When you learn to see the extraordinary in the ordinary beings around you, you learn to transform your life into something extraordinary that opens you up to all the riches and possibilities life has to offer.
Why shouldn't we all live among gods and goddesses in our lives? Why shouldn't we be gods and goddesses ourselves?
Brigid's Blessing
"Bless every heart
that beats beneath its roof.
Bless every hand
that toils to bring its joy.
Bless every foot
that walks portals through.
May Brigid bless the house that shelters us."
The Spirit of Brigid, The Goddess of Transformation Returns
The spirit of Brigid returned to knock on my door the other day. Lucky me!
As I sat in my art room, a scanned image sitting on top of a pile that had been recently rearranged caught my attention. This image had been in my art room for three years waiting for me to take notice!
It wasn't until I had drawn in the two beings in the picture above that I stopped to consider what the picture was underneath. It was the picture of Brigid the cat oriented sideways.
Brigid had slyly called to me, "It's time for my spirit to return".
"Transforming her spirit into a coat of many colors, Brigid effortlessly glides into this world to set it on fire once more."
Why not let the Spirit of Brigid transform your outlook on life? Reach for the radiant sunbeams of love that's waiting for you to simply see what is always before you: The extraordinary in the ordinary; The magnificent in the ordinary.
Choose to elevate your outlook on life. Brigid was no ordinary cat, and this is no ordinary life.
Really Wonderful🌈
ReplyDeleteThanks, Madeline. Hope you are experiencing an extraordinary life!