"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." Lao Tzu, 6th century BC
Trust Your Inner Wisdom
I love this painted tile by 8 year old Edwin Tickner. It makes me wonder
what Edwin's dog is contemplating as he silently watches the moon.
And what about his little 'alter ego' who lives underground? He too sits quietly
looking in the same direction as he considers life.
It was Lao Tzu, the father of the Chinese spiritual tradition Taoism, who said
"To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders."
Edwin's dog intuitively understands: Taking a calm, quiet moment is
important for us all. A still, calm mind allows us to see choices we
are blind to when caught up in the often frenetic activity of daily
It is only in a state of calm we are able to open ourselves up to see the
vast riches of the universe available to us all.
Calm Contemplation of Life
If you've been feeling off-balance lately or something has been bothering you
that you just can't put your finger on--take a cue from Edwin's dog--still your
mind and calm yourself before you open yourself up to look into the horizon.
When your mind is calmed, take a moment to reflect on how your choices today
will create your life of tomorrow. Consider your current situation and what
factors would create good or poor, pleasant or unpleasant outcomes down
the road.
With a calmed mind, consider these perspectives and outcomes. Write a list
of factors for each that contributed to the outcomes. Don't be afraid to look
through the eyes of innocence and trust in yourself as you contemplate your
future. You can make good and better choices.
Start with the End in Mind--What Choices Today Got You There?
Perspective 1: Looking five years down the road, you are still working
for the same organization or still in an intimate relationship with the same
person. What did the organization or your love interest do right to keep
you? What does your life look like now?
Perspective 2: Looking five years down the road, you have left the
relationship or organization. What happened? Why did you leave? What could they
have done differently to keep you?
Perspective 3: Looking five years down the road an issue you're
struggling with right now has resolved in your favor. What does your life look
like now? What made you choose the path you're now on? Why is your life better
today than five years ago? What choices did you make to support a good life?
What are you most proud of?
Perspective 4: Looking five years down the road you are unhappy
about the choices you made. What different choices could you have made to end
up with better outcomes?
Meet the Artist
The Dog Tile Art Project for the Jackson County Animal Shelter
In 2013 I worked with Debi Blair's 3rd grade students at Walker Elementary school in Ashland, Oregon to paint dog tiles to create a bright, cheerful entrance to the dog kennels at the
Jackson County Animal Shelter. Their creative and fun spirits came through in
their art.
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