Monday, November 7, 2022

The Secrets of a Radiant Woman under Stress


Radiant Being, shining so bright,

Gathers the good and lets the bad pass.

All things that enter her body

Work for her good;

Creating the radiance and spreading the good.

Radiant Woman,

Moving through life

With grace and ease;

~Always listening for~

~Always looking for~

Good News.


Radiant Woman

Always gathering the musical energy of life~

Breathing the harmony;

Dreaming the melody.

Radiance, Grace and Ease 

follow her wherever she goes,

Lifting her spirits and keeping her well;

Her heart is filled with sunshine;

Her soul is filled with gold.

The Secrets of a Radiant Woman

A Radiant Woman is stress resilient;

She first and foremost fosters a positive mindset,

And builds a reserve capacity to buffer stress.


A Radiant Woman 

consciously creates narratives of optimism

to habitually perceive less threat and more challenge

during times of difficulty.

She nurtures her optimism by always looking for

ways to take positive actions

and ways to create positive attitudes

especially during challenging times~

when doubt, anxiety and fear creep in.

She first and foremost believes in 

doing whatever it takes 

to maintain a positive attitude.

How to Nurture Your Optimism

Train Yourself to: 

See More Challenge and Less Threat in Life

Always Look for and Listen for Good News in the Bad

When stressful experiences challenge 

your positive mindset, 

always take steps to rebuild your belief in 

your ability to handle whatever life throws your way.  

Ask yourself: 

What would a Radiant Woman (Man) do under stress?

Am I willing to do whatever it takes 

to overcome fear and anxiety?

A Note About my own Search for Radiance

This post originated thru my own desire 

to articulate to myself  how I got through 

8 months of treatment for breast cancer, 

and how to best move forward with grace and ease. 

The idea of being a Radiant Woman came from 

my sister-in-law, Lee Bryant, who

after I completed radiation,

said to me "I never understood 

why you needed any radiance treatment 

when you are the most radiant person I know." 

This made me laugh, but more importantly, 

it showed me what I desire to take with me through

all my life experiences--A RADIANT SPIRIT.

I believe working to maintain an optimistic spirit thru

my cancer diagnosis, surgery, chemo and radiation

was the key to my getting through as well as I did.

I nurtured my belief that I could affect the outcome 

and handle whatever life threw at me.

When fear and anxiety arose after the diagnosis

and my blood pressure shot up

I took positive steps to deal with it.

I contacted my doctor to

add blood pressure meds to my daily schedule. 

And when a friend gifted me a relaxation-sound 

therapy CD I chose to listen to it daily.

I took charge before starting chemotherapy by

engaging friends to walk me daily throughout

my 4 month treatment. I looked at those 4 months

as a time I had daily walks on the trail with friends,

not as a time I was doing chemo. Chemo was simply

something I fit into my walking schedule.

Putting a positive spin on the treatments helped too.

Getting chemo infusions became my Chemo Spa days, 

where I was able to sit in a comfortable chair, 

in a well lit room coloring and drawing and doing art.  

Getting radiation became my radiance sessions. 

What could be better than that?

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway

Sure, none of us know what the future holds. 

But if you let fear and anxiety  get you in its grip

during challenging times 

it  comes to live and sets up a negative

feedback loop that only creates 

more fear about the future.

When you feel the fear during stressful times

choose to take positive actions anyway

Step past the belief barriers preventing you

from taking positive action. Chose to engage in

actions that head you in a positive direction

even when you don't believe you can make

a difference in the outcome. Train yourself

to change your beliefs through your actions.


  1. Excellent! thank you so much for that reminder.

  2. Sharing this one...inspiring as always, Susan!

  3. Beyond fabulous, dear Sue! Sharing far and wide!

  4. Dear Anon, Barb, and Jean, may your radiance flow out to warm the hearts and souls of others.

  5. Facing fears once again and oh so graceful. Chris V


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