Tuesday, November 22, 2022

The Secrets of an Optimist for Getting thru Difficult Times


As an optimist I am not immune from being anxious, fearful, or overwhelmed by life. It’s what this optimist does with the fear and anxiety that makes it easier for me to get through difficult times better than most people.

When fear and anxiety raise the hackles of this optimist, it signals me to switch into a self-calming mode to blunt the negative thinking cycle of the brain while freeing me to step into an action mode.

At this moment, my husband has been in the ICU for a week with low sodium levels. It’s been touch and go, and there have been times he’s been unresponsive. Sodium levels must be raised very carefully and slowly.

Optimists, like me, see problems as challenges that are solvable. Problems are things to be dealt with in the moment, and left behind as we continue to seek a good life.

My husband's current health crisis has been scary to say the least. But I’ve maintained the belief I can do things to help--including getting him to the hospital and then giving the doctors and nurses time to work on the issue without my interference. I can also take care of myself so I have the strength to think clearly and be present for my husband. And I can provide my husband with a positive expectation for his improvement and sit with him each day to provide love and calmness.

As an optimist I’m hopeful and confident about the future because I always believe there are things I can do to influence the outcome. Then I actively take steps that could help, without worrying about whether those steps will actually help. That is, I accept the realities of life—bad things can still happen—but I continue to act in ways that could influence the outcome in a positive direction and I maintain a positive expectation for the future.

Keeping a positive expectation for the future, and continuing to take actions is what keeps me going. 

"An optimist sees problems as challenges that are solvable. An optimist is hopeful and confident about the future because there are things they can do to influence the outcomes."


  1. Susan and Mark, sending love and healing to both of you wonderful people.

  2. I needed to read your story at exactly this moment. Thank you, Susan. Sending you love and light for the days ahead and healing energies for Mark. You are truly an inspiration beyond words...

  3. Prayers and positive thinking for Mark and for you Sue. Love you for all you give and both of your bright hearts.

  4. Sue, I'm so sorry Mark is having more health issues. Please convey my good wishes and positive thoughts to him. This remarkable post is outstanding, even in a field of your *always* outstanding posts! I am of a similar mindset and appreciate the way you've expressed it here.

  5. On this Thanksgiving Day we are sending you love, light, and positive energy. This is a lovely picture of your whole life’s work, Sue, and I am confident that Mark will pull through. Much love!!! Karen and Bill

  6. Well, I have never thought of myself as a pessimist but after reading this post and understanding the last couple years for Mark and Susan, I have a lot to learn about optimism. Thank you on this Thanksgiving day for these words. The words help me to understand you even better. I have always noted your incredible resilience but this goes beyond. Sending love and gratuity for you and Mark in my life.


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