Monday, February 14, 2022

Comfort Food Brings Warm Memories


Love is our Raison D'etre

Royce rolls his yearly batch of Daddy's rolls, 

Really full of love~

Our raison d'etre

making life complete.

The heart has it's raisons 

that raisins know nothing of...

Raisons or raisins that make life so sweet;

What are we after, but plump, juicy raisin d'etre

to make our lives sweet and complete.

We close our eyes and embrace the smells 

of the cinnamon and sweet yeasty scents;

We become children again with

the remembrance of a sweet Daddy's love

making cinnamon rolls together 

in the warmth of the kitchen again.

The Spice of Life

The spice of life is always found

hidden in Royce's rolls~

Shy, sly, sneaky buggers hidden in the folds;

Temptresses, castaways, and one doggie for good taste;

A tasty mix of sugar and spice sprinkled all over the place.


Won’t you help me cook a batch of love, little lamb?

We’ll mix together new and old, with smiles on our faces,

We’ll prepare your life to be joyful and fine,

While tucking love in all the secret places.

Let’s use my father’s recipe for cinnamon rolls,

Passed down from his mother long, long ago.

We’ll sprinkle warm memories into the dough,

To sweeten those memories of long, long ago.

And together we’ll create new memories too,

Of laughter, sweetness and fun,

And thus, we’ll pass on our family traditions,

Wrapping you in generations of love filled with

Tenderness and joy~

And celebrate that your new life has begun.


In the dog days of winter

I had a mid-winter’s night dream,

My cinnamon rolls turned into a delicious batch of

Puppies and Cream.

A Cream of the crop pups they were indeed,

A delicious combination, so yummy, you see, 

A vision to tuck you in bed with warm memories

Good Memories Baked in the Making

Nancy, who's rolls are best

Is said in jest

as good memories are baked in with zest. 

A father's love and teachings are

 what's best baked in for life,

A dog gone good recipe, Daddy's rolls.


  1. Sue, you can probably guess how much I love this post. Beautiful words, beautiful art, but most of all the carrying on of family food traditions and sweet memories evoked by comfort food.

  2. That's what it's all about, Jean, isn't it!


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