The Best of You
When you imagine the year ahead,
what would you like to see?
Why not create a pleasant scenario
filled with friends, fun and inspiration?
Why not find the best of you inside and let it out?
Frolicking 💓Fresh💓Free💓That's me!
Fabulously Fun💓Fully Alive💓And On Fire💓That's me!
Friendly💓Funny💓Flirtatious💓And Fiercely Kind
💓Full of Love and Charm💓That's me!💓
Right Up Your Alley!
Why not allow yourself to turn the corner on
hanging onto all the difficulties of the last few years?
Let it go and start afresh.
Accept what has been, and then
leave the past in the past while creating
what must be for a more satisfying future.
Rediscover the joys of hanging out
at the Good Outlook Vista.
You Deserve a Detour off the Dark Road of Life
If the past years have been hard--
and especially if life's still challenging,
you deserve to take a detour off the dark road of life
to travel down Good Fortune Road a while.
Do a little window shopping at
The Merry Mall of Life and Good Nature Way.
Stay a while and try on a good outlook or two.
See how a new outlook on life looks and feels on you.
Chose to take The High Road of Life
to create an uplifting future
even if it isn't easy.
Turn that corner, try on that new outlook, and
walk down Good Fortune Alley awhile--and then
keep putting one foot in front of another.
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