Monday, November 1, 2021

Happy to be Alive!


Frolicking💜Fresh💜Free💜That's Me!

Happy to be Alive!

Sometimes it's time to put the hardships 
and challenges behind us and take a moment 
to wallow in the goodness of our life and spirit.
It can be difficult to switch our mindset, but it's 
essential we stop now and then to carve out a 
moment of happiness in the middle of hardship.

Life can be hard, and the hard times find their
way into our lives all by themselves. 

But we have the power to whisk them 
out of our lives--if only for a moment--so 
we can dwell on the good that's living
in our soul and our life.  

Take a deep breath, and live the-moment-
in-between to take a respite from your troubles.

Feel happy to be alive and to be you.

Who will you find inside yourself 
living the-moment-in-between?

Here's a peek:

That's Me!



Frisky and Free

That's Me!

Fabulously Fun

Fully Alive

And on Fire

That's Me!




And Fiercely Kind

Full of Love and Charm

That's Me!

Wallow in the Goodness of your Life

"Forget your troubles, c'mon get happy
You better chase all your cares away."

Judy Garland

💜Take a moment to wallow 
in the goodness of your life and spirit.

💜Carve out a moment of happiness 
in the middle of hardship.

💜Use your power to whisk troubles out of 
your life--if only for a moment.

💜Dwell on the good that's 
living in your soul and life.  

Photography by Diane Offenbacher

Thank you Diane Offenbacher for your inspired nature 

photography that has provided me with many moments of

pleasurable viewing and makes me happy to be alive! It's 

always easy to find the happy spirits residing in your 

photos as I reside in the-happy-moments-in-between.

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