Monday, September 6, 2021

Wishing You a Fresh, Bright and Cheerful Day!




The perfectly balanced egg starts my day,

With its fresh, bright and cheerful center.

Poised to grace my breakfast plate,

It accepts its fate with egg-uanimity.

Lightarted Sue

E.qua.nim.i.ty 💛

emotional balance--mental calmness,

composure, and evenness of temper, 

especially in a difficult situation.

Over Easy 

I wake slowly and slip into the day.

Eggs over easy gently lead my way.

Calmness and tranquility easily turn to equanimity.

Soon I’m feeling level-headed, poised and at peace; 

A gentle soul who lets things go and lets things be.


Lightarted Sue

Sunny Side Up 

The day bursts forth sunny side up;

My heart a bright yellow nourishing yolk,

Filled with creativity and possibilities to poke. 

Lightarted Sue

Soft Scrambled Egg Morning


It was a soft scrambled egg morning,

unfolding into a gentle and unassuming day;

The warm morning sun sent soft wisps of yellow rays 

to tenderly light our way. 

Lightarted Sue

Relax into a Slow, Gentle Simmer


The water boils,

You drop the egg in,

And watch as a merry dance of swirling, spinning egg begins.


You ponder the poaching as you turn down the heat,

And contemplate the odd instructions 

to ‘let the water relax into a slow, gentle simmer’.


And in that moment you decide to turn down the heat 

to let your day relax into its own slow, gentle simmer.

You begin a merry dance to greet the day

Providing a swirling and spinning uplift to your day 

with a happy heart and spirit full of fairy dust and joyful shimmers. 

Lightarted Sue

We Sing You a Morning Golden and New!

"If I had words to make a day for you,
I'd sing you a morning golden and new.
I would make this day last for all time;
Give you a night deep in moonshine."

From Movie BABE 


  1. Sue, wow, just wow! I wonder how you manage to pass along to us so many wonderful quotes from so many writers when you have this marvelous ability and could easily fill every post with your own highly quotable words! Pinning and tweeting, of course.


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