"It is not what life brings us,
But the manner in which we receive it
That shapes our destiny."
Marie Dubsky
If you haven't yet had a turn to be knocked about by life, don't worry, your time will come. That's the nature of life~ it brings many challenges and difficult hills to climb. While few welcome the hardships of life, its important to know you can handle whatever life throws at you.
As Marie Dubsky said, it's not what life brings us, but how we respond that will determine our destiny. If you've come face to face with hardship, understand your attitude will shape the outcome, and therefore choose to take charge of your response. Open yourself up to taking the healthiest attitude for getting through.
When life knocks you down, what is the proper response? To get back up and start again, and again and again. Trust that you're made of strong stuff and you have everything within you to successfully navigate life no matter how challenging.
Ask for, and accept, help from others in a position to help, and choose the best path for moving life in the direction you want it to go.
Let go of the pride, shame, and humiliation brought on by your difficult situation and choose a strategy for moving through hardships gracefully. With the help of others, and your own strength and resiliency you'll find your way through. You've got this!
"Fall down 7 times, Get up 8 Times"
Japanese Proverb
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