Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Problems Come to Pass~Blessings Come to Stay

Life is sometimes hard, bringing challenges for us to find our way through. But no matter the difficulties we face, optimism and hope are key to helping us find our way through. 

Let optimism and hope be your companions as you navigate the future in times of hardship. 

"Optimism is the sunshine of the soul." 

Old Saying

"To know the disillusionments of life, 
and to come enchanted still."

Muriel Strode

"An optimist is the human personification of spring."

Susan Bissonette

"My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud."

Henry Rollins

"True optimists polish the bright side's halo."

Terri Guillements

"Your problems have come to pass, not to stay."

Colleen McGinn

"But listen to me.
For one moment quit being sad.
Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you."


"Hope is the thing with feathers
that perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all."

Emily Dickinson

I find hope and optimism wherever I go. I snapped pictures of the ficus trees in the lobby of the hospital where my husband has been for over a month. I see the healing spirits that surround us everywhere we go. They look out for us and help us carry the burdens. 

You are some of my healing spirits helping me carry the burden of my current challenge. The uplifting quotes and photos you share with me find their way into my healing art and helps to heal my heart too! Thank you!

Remember: Life is fluid, not static. Your problems have come to pass; Your blessings have come to stay. Stay present and take it one day at a time while looking for the blessings dropping their leaves all around you. This is what helps me get by.


  1. Sending all my love and healing thoughts to you and your husband, Sue. You are both so inspiring and I'm holding you in my heart.

  2. I needed this today...thank you, my dear dear friend.

  3. Sue, this post, your art, the quotes, I was so moved. "To know the disillusionments of life,
    and to come enchanted still."--It describes you perfectly! Thinking of you both.

  4. Thank You Sue! So beautiful. You are a very precious person. Im absolutely sure your husband is too, though I've never met. Take care wishing you all the very best.

  5. Beautiful and meaning words- thank you.
    Sending you and your family lots of love,& prayers.


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