The Fairy Poet
"The fairy poet takes a sheet of moonbeams
~silver white~
His ink is dew from daisies sweet
His pen a point of light."
Joyce Kilmer
Bless This Place
"Hand in hand, with fairy grace,
We will sing and bless this place."
William Shakespeare
Midsummer's Night Dream
In the Midst of Difficulties
Bless where you are Anyway
Whatever is troubling you~learn to let it go and rise above it.
Life is full of difficulties, obstacles and trauma. It is up to you to find your way through by rising above the circumstantial realities of your life to embrace the spiritual realities of the moment.
You were born to go around obstacles and to be spurred on by difficulties to seek a better life.
Discomfort, pain, and frustration serve as the nudges poking and annoying you into taking actions to remedy what isn't working for you. Heed the call.
What is the proper response to life's difficulties?
๐To seek inspiration to soar to greater heights;
๐To seek support and uplift to provide you with the courage and strength to face what you must endure;
๐To seek ways to follow a path of trust and a belief in the goodness of life despite the negative aspects.
๐And above all, to conjure up a belief in yourself that allows you to take actions that show you again and again you have what it takes to handle whatever life throws at you.
With fairy grace, or the grace of fate,
choose to bless whatever
circumstance you're in.
Unleash the fairy poet within you~
the part of you who paints a positive perspective~
refreshing and illuminating your magical life~
making it sweet with moonbeams,
dew of bright daisies, and points of light.
Go ahead, return to being
an airy-fairy Pollyanna
intent on finding your sweet spot
within the ashes of your troubles.
Believe in the Magic of Life
Let Go and Let it all Be
"Like a leaf falling from a tree,
She let go and let it all be.
A small smile came over her face
A light breeze blew through her
And the sun and the moon
Shone forevermore."
Rev. Safire Rose
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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