Friday, August 30, 2019

Don't Let Self Doubt and Insecurities Crush You

Don't Let Self Doubt Crush You

Do you deal with self doubt? Welcome to the human race--we all do.

While each of us may relate to self doubt differently, none of us can make a life without running into self doubt and other insecurities along the way. 

So rather than letting self doubt crush you--and stop you in your tracks--learn to embrace the uncomfortable feelings while continuing to take positive steps towards the life you want. 

Think of it as learning how to ride the self-doubt dragon in the direction you want to go.

Be Courageous

If you deal with self doubt and other insecurities, make a life decision to acknowledge the disquieting insecurities when they arise and commit to step past them into positive action. 

See yourself getting on the dragon and taking the reins.

Feel the Fear and Act Anyway

Courageous people aren't fearless.  They make the decision to step into life despite self doubt and fear. They feel the fear and do it anyway. 

Courageous people get on the dragon and ride it in the direction they want to go despite the fear.

To achieve your purpose and manifest your intentions, create a plan of action, with concrete steps and timelines to serve as your measuring sticks for positive action. Then keep taking steps--any steps--that fall within your plan of action. 

When fear or self doubt arise, step past it by actively engaging in your action plan, and then let yourself be surprised by life as you face your fears.

Self Doubters: Stop Overthinking Before You Spring into Action
To Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Actions
Sure, if your internal make up predisposes you to constantly doubt yourself it can be difficult to turn off that negative self talk. But you can counteract it by changing what you do about it. 

When you stop overthinking and choose to engage in positive action despite the doubts, over time you train yourself to see yourself as courageous despite the insecurities you feel.
You can have self doubts and also experience yourself as courageous.

Find a Stable Place Within Yourself

When you move into times of feeling unsure, stop and refresh yourself.  It's easier to act despite self doubt and fear when you're well rested. Both your mind and your body strengthen and become more resilient with rest. 

Whatever you're working on when self-doubt invades your thinking, put it down and step away from it to re-establish trust in your own instincts. 

You have within you everything you need to be successful.

Are You Spinning Your Wheels?

Look out for, and acknowledge, your tendency to stay busy as a way of avoiding anxiety. 

Looking busy just keeps you from getting where you want to go, and all that spinning of your wheels only serves to tire you and makes you feel even more insecure. 
Chose to only act on things of importance that truly makes a difference in getting you the life you want.
Both activity and inactivity can help you achieve your goals. Sometimes doing nothing is the best thing for you to do. When you provide yourself dawdle time you can focus your attention on how to work smarter by identifying activities of importance to engage in when you do take a step.

Questions to ask yourself: 

💓Does this activity advance my goals or serve as a distraction? 
💓How do my actions today directly get me where I want to go? 
💓What is the single-most important activity I can engage in to propel me forward?
💓Is there anything I'm doing that's just spinning my wheels?

Enriching the world is what you do every single day. 

Believe it. 

Wake with a heart to bring sunshine to everyone you encounter.

Let your life unfold in the most delightful and centered way, with many happy surprises!

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.


  1. Today is a day of self doubt and insecurity for me and then I got the Happy Surprise of receiving your message. I love your drawings and your beautiful poems and inspirational phrases. What a joy to be connected to your creative energy.

  2. Dear Unknown--I'm so glad today's message appeared at the right time. Wishing you strength and courage to live life fully despite the fear.


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