Sunday, June 9, 2019

Rescue Dogs~Love Unleashed



Billy Jo Geoffrey Greenstein
Living in the Lap of Luxury

Meet Billy Jo~A Potcake Dog 
from Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean



Potcakes are homeless dogs running around loose on the Caribbean islands. 
They derived their name, 'potcake' from eating the congealed peas and rice 
mixture the local residents eat. When the pot gets to the bottom, 
the locals let the dogs feed on the rice that cakes on the bottom of the pot. 

Billy Jo Geoffrey Greenstein is one of thousands of potcake dogs 
rescued and adopted into loving homes around the world. 
He is a perfect specimen of the mixed breed dog.

Billy Jo was fortunate to find a loving home in the States
with Amanda Greenstein who lived on Turks and Caicos 
for 3 years and fell in love with the Potcakes. 

After volunteering with the Potcake Adoption Place on the
island, Amanda adopted Billy Jo and came home to 
become a Veterinarian.

Love Unleashed~Check Out Your Local Animal Shelter

If you've been thinking about 
inviting a dog into your home, 
you don't have to travel as far as the 
Caribbean Islands to unleash some love. 

Visit your local animal shelter to find yourself 
a dog that would welcome a loving home.

When you bring a homeless pet into your heart, 
the unleashed love goes both ways. 
While there is always an adjustment period 
as you get to know each other, 
you'll soon be rewarded with unbridled love
and an adoring companion.


To err is human,
To forgive, canine.



"Until one has loved an animal
part of one's soul 
remains unawaken."

Anatole France


"Petting, scratching, and cuddling a dog
could be as soothing to the mind and heart
as deep meditation and prayer for the soul."

Dean Koontz

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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  1. Hi Sue,
    I would love to be added to your email list for Lightarted Living.

    Thanks so much!
    Kay Lindquist


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