Friday, April 12, 2019

Lao Tzu~To the Still Mind the Whole Universe Surrenders

Hurry Up!

💓Do you suffer from hurry sickness? Are you always rushed and worried you're missing out on opportunities or letting others down because you're rushing to get things done but you're always one step behind?

💓Do you sometimes feel discombobulated, like you just can't figure out how to keep up with everything no matter how hard you try—leaving you flustered and tired?

💓Do you continue to feel rushed long after there is any need?

I don't know about you, but I tend to push myself to achieve imaginary deadlines that only I—or more correctly my deep unconscious—knows what that deadline is. I may not have a severe case of hurry sickness, but I do find myself rushing to pick up speed and save a few minutes so I can get there faster. The problem is I'm not sure where 'There' is.

I've Got Good News and Bad News

This dilemma is illustrated in the story of an airline pilot who comes on the loudspeaker to chat with her passengers. 'Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I hope your ride has been smooth. I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we're making great time; the bad news is we're lost.'

What Goes Up Must Come Down

Sure there are times in our lives when we must function at top speed to achieve specific goals and meet real deadlines. But why do we continue rushing at high speed even when we don't need to anymore? 

As the Chicago song says, 'What goes up must come down' --and that includes the frenetic speed and stress that goes up when we're rushing to meet those real deadlines. A constant state of hyperactivity and hurry sickness isn't good for any of us.

To get where we want to get in life we must slow down and rest the mind so we know what we want and how to get there.

Nature Does Not Hurry, Yet Everything is Accomplished

'Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished' says Lao Tzu, sage from 6th century BC. Grass does not try to grow. Water does not try to flow. Flowers do not try to bloom. They just do. There is no hurry in plant time, just the simple flow of life in the right time.

 So quiet your mind, and allow the simple flow of life to happen in the right time. 

Children grow up. People find mates. People find fulfilling jobs. Roads and bridges get built. Communities heal. Hurts heal.

Stop hurrying to build that bridge to nowhere. It'll still be available for you to work on later if you really must. But chances are, going forward with a stilled mind, you won't see the need to busy yourself with going nowhere. 

With a cleared mind and an open heart your life is cleared for things of importance--and the universe unveils all its secrets to you in the right time.

Slow Down, Still Your Mind

 'To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.'  Lao Tzu

While we would like to think we are smarter, wiser, and much more advanced than those who lived centuries before us, so much timeless wisdom written centuries ago still speaks to us as if it was written today.

When you catch yourself with a case of hurry sickness, practice mindfulness, and apply the wisdom that came to us from so long ago. 

Stop. Adjust. Breathe. Relax.
Still the mind. Accomplish your dreams.

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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