Friday, July 20, 2018

Upbeat People: What Sets them Apart?

What Sets Upbeat People Apart?

Face it--some days you wake up ready to enthusiastically dive into the day, while other days you wake feeling the need for a pep talk. 

Upbeat people are no different in that regard. They too experience the full gamut of emotions and difficult life experiences. And some days upbeat people need a pep talk too.

What sets upbeat people apart is they have a low tolerance for sitting too long in the doldrums of life before they jump into actions steering them into a more positive frame of mind. 

Upbeat people assess the difficult situations and their options, and then do what they must do to improve their chances for achieving the most positive outcomes. 

Upbeat people's thinking and acting habits put them in control of things that matter most to them.  They trust they always have another action to take that empowers them and lifts their spirits.

The Upbeat Realist

You might think upbeat people must live in La La Land and see with rose-colored glasses. But upbeat people are just realists who struggle to find the best way to get through the tougher times in life faster. 

Upbeat people accept the realities of life and find a way to deal with them.

Before you're quick to to accept you're not an upbeat person, ask yourself if you'd like to live your life more upbeat than not. If you desire to be more upbeat most of the time, a small tweak in your behavior is all that's required.

Becoming the Upbeat Person You're Meant to Be

What are the small tweaks you can make in your approach to life to become a more upbeat person?

💓Turn your disappointment into a time for active discovery.  Take Action.
💙Take positive actions without concern for the outcome. Don't think about it; just do it.
💚Turn failure into learning experiences. 
💛During the tough times, do what you must do without dwelling on it.  Step into the water at high tide.
💜Find a way to endure what you cannot escape. Develop a go-to mantra or affirmation to get you started when things go awry. 

Decide on the most important course of action and begin. Once you begin, keep going.

Finding 'The Happy' in the Delicate Dance of Life Unfolding

I've enjoyed an ongoing dialogue with my sister-in-law, Lee, about LIFE unfolding. She sends me a mantra, I send her a picture of LIFE unfolding with her mantra in it. She sends me a photo of peonies unfolding and more renditions of her mantra and I send her a new picture out of her peonies with new affirmations. 

When you DO SOMETHING with a mantra or affirmation, you instill a positive frame of mind into a dynamic way of living making it easier to be upbeat faster.

Let your life surprise you. Try out one of Lee's unfolding affirmations or create one of your own. Choose your upbeat and life affirming mantra, and then live it.

Life is unfolding in a relaxed and peaceful way.

LIfe is unfolding in the most humorous way.

Life unfolds with great ease and calm.

Life unfolds in the most delightful and centered way, with many happy surprises!

Everything is playing out in the most happy and delight-filled way

Happiness has spread like peanut butter thick upon me, penetrating and soothing my rattled heart. 

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list.


  1. For me, upbeat starts with gratitude and remembering to say "thank you," as in "thank you for a sweet post. All good points. Big hugs.

  2. Sue, this is one I know I'll be referring back to again and again. Love it! "Upbeat" is the only way to be! And it's just harder on some days than on others.

  3. Thanks for stopping to comment, Stephanie. As I said on the trail, we are communion with our thoughts. I think our simple daily greetings are some of the most important markers of our day! Hugs.

  4. Jean--
    It IS harder on some days to be upbeat. But as we know, the alternative isn't very interesting!

  5. Loved reading this one again, as I have several times! "Life unfolds in the most delightful and centered way, with many happy surprises!" really spoke to me today.

  6. Jean--this is a good one for determining which of Lee's mantra's speak to you in the moment. I too am drawn to 'Life unfolds in the most delightful and centered way, with many happy surprises'. I love happy surprises!


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