Monday, July 9, 2018

Lao Tzu~To a Still Mind, the Whole Universe Surrenders


The Fates Watch

Life is Good

When was the last time you sat silent, with your mind at ease and a cool wind gently blowing?  Ahhhhh. What a sense of peace and tranquility. What a sense of well-being. 

When my mind is still, everything is well in my world. Life is Good.

Life is Good. Trust it.

Life Paves the Way for Your Success

We need times of stillness to reflect on the goodness of life. It is in those quiet times, when our minds effortlessly drift and relax, we can see 'life is paving the way for our success'All we're asked to do is to show up when it's time, and to rest our minds in between. 

When we remember to 'put the struggle down' for awhile, we can see the pathways of hope and opportunity we were blind to in the midst of frenetic activity.
To a still mind, the whole universe opens. Lao Tzu

The Fates Are Watching Over You

If you take a careful look in the crevasses of your life you'll discover powerful natural forces working to open doors for you, easing your way through both difficulties and opportunities.

Trust the Fates to lead the way. Willingly give in to fate and expect a good life.

Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant. Seneca

Create a Positive Expectation

How you see when you look out your eyes determines what you find. Expect a good life and a good life shows up. Choose a positive expectation, or mantra for the day--something that starts your day off well.  

This affirmation to start the day is one my sister-in-law shared. Use it or create your own!

Everything is playing out in the most wondrous way! Surprise Me!

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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