Life is Good. All is Well.
Stop Holding Your Breath. Breathe that Sigh of Relief and Get On with Life.
What hardship or life challenge have you recently endured? Have you taken one step beyond it or have you allowed it to take up residence in your mind?
Life is full of hardships and crises. Some can really knock you on your butt. Others can linger and provide a subtle underlying sea of fear and worry in the back reaches of your mind.
If you've been thinking 'why me?' perhaps the short answer is 'why NOT you?'. No one is immune to hardships. We all face them. So we best be on our way to finding our way out sooner.
Hope Begins with Positive Action
Gumption: Getting through the Difficulties of Life
Deep within each of us is the gumption to get us through the hard stuff.
While the term 'gumption' may have gone out of style, having gumption never does. Gumption is the strong will and determination to do something; the courage to do what must be done; and the resourcefulness to figure out what must be done.
Gumption gets us through the difficult times faster. It is a delicate dance between courage, strength and focus.
We must have the courage to face the hard stuff head on, and then have the strength to do what needs to be done to step beyond it without thinking too much about it. We give it our full conscious attention then we stop thinking and just move into action.
Begin by acknowledging the issue turning your stomach sour. Name it, then take a step towards dealing with it in a positive manner. When you name it you begin to regain some control over it. When you're pro-active and take positive steps to deal with it you harness your energy and focus, and set the stage for positive outcomes.
If you discover there's nothing you can do about it, do something else of a positive, life-giving nature, to help you step into life and witness your strength for plowing through.
My Future is Bright, Joyous, and Secure
To Bounce Back from Difficulties, Keep Your Focus on:
💓Your strength, not your weakness.
💙Your courage, not your fears.
💚Your good life, not the tough stuff.
You can do this. You're made of tough stuff.
What do you do to get through the hard times? What is your saving grace for getting through life's difficulties?
For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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