Monday, May 7, 2018

The Heart and Strength to Overcome Hardships

A Heart for Any Fate

"Let us, then, be up and doing,
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to Labor and to wait."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Dragonfly~
A Symbol of Courage and Strength

Did you know the dragonfly is a symbol of the courage, adaptability and strength needed to overcome hardships? 

Perhaps that's why we're so drawn to these attractive and adept creatures. 

We all need to find images, quotes, and symbols that inspire us to keep going--to be 'up and doing--still achieving, still pursuing'--when difficulties arise. We want to arouse the courage within us to persist and conquer what is put before us. 

Let Us, then, Be Up and Doing

Who among us doesn't desire 'the heart for any fate'--a hardiness of spirit based in our ability to be courageous and adaptable when faced with the hardships of life? 

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls that test our endurance for handling life. 

Each time we wonder "do I have what it takes to get through yet another 'difficult life lesson'?" 

We do. We discover what we're made of the moment we begin to face the difficulty head on. 

If you don't start with the courage and strength, the life experience will show you that deep inside you is a well of intestinal fortitude for you to draw on.

Courage Means to Take Heart 
So what is the key to having the courage and strength to overcome yet one more hardship? You step into life and keep on laboring--'learn to labor and to wait.'

We're all afraid when we first come face to face with a major life difficulty. But as Susan Jeffers said so many years ago, the way to deal with the fear is to "feel the fear, and do it anyway." 

Step into action. Face the fear. Fly in the face of fear. Take one step, and then another. Your courage and strength will emerge when you face your fears head on.

Take Heart in Your Struggles

Do you know the origins of the word 'Courage'? First known use was in the 14th century. The word courage  has been traced  back to  corage (Middle English;, curage, quer, and coer  meaning  heart (Anglo-French); and cor (Latin) meaning  more at heart.

Courage Synonyms: great heartedness, guts, gutsiness, hardihood, heart, heroism, intestinal fortitude, moxie, nerve, prowess, stoutness, valor, virtue
Find Great Heartedness within Yourself

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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