Monday, April 9, 2018

Let Go of the Past Gracefully

~The Graces~ 
The givers of charm, creativity, and beauty

If you're looking for ways to move beyond past hurts and grievances with ease and grace, consider inviting 'the three Graces' from Greek mythology to inhabit your heart and soul.

Like me, you've probably forgotten who the three Graces are--so you may have a hard time inviting them to dwell in your heart--especially if you're feeling hurt, stuck and generally suspicious of life. No matter. Time to get reacquainted with the lighter side of the Goddess within.

The Three Goddess Sisters

Embracing the Goddess Within 

💛The Graces of Greek mythology are the three sister Goddesses of grace, beauty, joy, mirth, festivity, dance and song, and are known as 'the givers of charm and beauty'.

💓The Graces, are the goddesses who give 'festive joy' and enhance 'the enjoyments of life' through refinement and gentleness.  

If you choose to embrace and embody the attributes of the three Graces, you'll choose to practice the fine art of gracefulness in your all your social interactions--both past and present--preferring to move through life with elegance and ease.  

'These enchanting goddesses--The Graces--were created to fill the world with pleasant moments and goodwill.'
Greek poet Pindar

The Goddess of Graceful Living

Perfecting the Art of Graceful Living

As a 'Goddess of Graceful Living' you consciously choose an inner life of goodwill over an inner life of grievances--choosing to find ways to create festive joy and gentleness in your own heart first and foremost. 

The key to letting go of the past gracefully is to let go of ways of thinking that no longer serve you, while taking on ways of thinking that create goodwill, calm and festive joy in your inner world. 

Saving Grace

Let Go Gracefully

Our saving grace is we really do desire to have a life filled with good relationships and experiences. As much as we'd love to secretly harbor our resentments and ill-will towards those who've offended us, there is a stronger desire to be unencumbered by these hurts. 

Let the Goddesses of Grace take up residence within you and let go of what no longer serves you.

Unload ways of thinking that no longer serves you

💓Who or what has hurt you? Let it go
💙What have you lost that grieves you? Let it go
💛What's happened that's holding you back from moving on with life gracefully? Let it go

Embrace ways of thinking that bring you 'festive joy'

💓Who or what do you think of that gives you festive joy? Embrace it.
💙What have you gained in your life that makes your heart sing? Embrace it.
💛What's happened in your life to help you move on with grace and ease? Embrace it.

“You become what you think about all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let The Three Graces Inhabit Your Soul

The Three Graces 
💛Aglaia~The Grace of Beauty 
💓Euphrosyne~The Grace of Delight 
💙Thalia~The Grace of Blossom 

As a 'Goddess of Graceful Living' you consciously choose an inner life of goodwill over an inner life of grievances--choosing to find ways to create festive joy and gentleness in your own heart first and foremost. 

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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