Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Your Life

Happy Endings!

Don't you love happy endings? 

I do--especially when I'm on the receiving end. 

Dreams are like Dogs--
They come when they're called

What Are You Grieving?

Where in your life have you been grieving? 

💓Have you lost a loved one, job, or relationship? 
💙Has your ego been bruised? 
💚Are you recovering from a fire, hurricane, flood or earthquake? 

What dreams have you lost? What are you doing to show up in life and get back what you've lost?

It isn't always easy to cope or move on when you're grieving or hurting over what you've lost. But life demands we find a way to step back in, and get busy living, loving and contributing--no matter how large or small our losses.

"Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning." 
Robert Brault

Leave the Door Open Just a Crack

Dream~Always Leave an Opening for a Ray of Hope to Shine Through

The recent loss of my almost 14-year old dog, Arrow, is small compared to what so many others have endured recently. But like anyone dealing with the loss of something they love, I found myself lying low while 'licking my wounds under the porch'. 

Although I was willing to entertain the thought of a new dog coming into my life, I really wasn't planning on getting another one for a year after losing my furry shadow. 

But you know what happens while you're laying plans...LIFE happens anyway.

Meet Hannah 

After Arrow died, I showed up at the Shelter weekly to look at the available dogs. This was my way of showing up to tell the Universe I was open but not necessarily ready for a new dog coming into my life. 

I saw lots of very nice dogs, but none pulled on my heartstrings to bring them home. Then one friend volunteering at the Shelter told me I should check out Hannah. I visited the next day. She was lovely.

Although Hannah had already been adopted by someone else when I met her at the Shelter, somehow she still came to me with perfect timing. When I saw her I told her she was just what I was looking for in a dog, but I was glad she found a good home. 

I told my friends at the Shelter gentle Hannah was just the type of dog I was looking for. And wouldn't you know--a week later, I got the call--Hannah was returned and available for me to bring home.

Sometimes it may feel as if we'll never get past the grief, hurt or loss. But when we leave a small opening for a ray of hope to enter our hearts--and we keep showing up--we recover and thrive once again

And if we imagine what we want, our dreams have a way of coming true with perfect timing. 

Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

Dreams are like dogs--they come when they're called.
Sit. Stay Open.
💓You don't have to be ready to take on a new life, new love, new job or new dog for good things to find their way back into your life. 
💙You don't have to be done grieving the loss of what or who has passed out of your life for good things to find their way back into your life
💛You just need good friends looking out for you--and a heart that is open to good things showing up. 
Then leave the door to your life open just a crack 
for good things to come your way and stay.

Dreams Are Like Dogs~
They'll Follow You Home

Set Positive Expectations for your Future

We are always listening and looking for something to follow us home. What is it for you?

💓What are you always listening and looking for? 
💙What dreams or visions for your future do you have your heart set on? 
💛What do you want to invite into your home and life?

Death, loss, and change are the more difficult, yet ordinary, parts of life we must contend with. 

We must accept these realities of life, yet keep our eyes focused on a positive future--imagining those things we want to attract into our lives that makes life worth living--then keep showing up until our dreams become reality.

Bring Your Dreams Home

💙What's your happy ending? 

💛What do you want to welcome home? 

💙When you call them, they'll come. 

Let the Universe know you are open and waiting--then wait for ordinary everyday magic to happen. Let the Happy Endings begin...

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

Do you know someone who could benefit from uplifting messages? Please share Lightarted Living with them. If you or someone you love is interested in learning more about closing the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, join the FREE Lightarted Living mailing list. 


  1. As are all of your posts, this is beautiful. Each time we take a beloved four-legged friend into our hearts, they occupy their own place forever. Al of us have lots and lots of room for lots and lots of beloved pets.

  2. So beautiful, Sue! I'm happy for you and Hannah. This is a post I'll be revisiting from time to time.

  3. Normie You should know! Hannah is as good a find as Tashsa.com! I look forward to sharing her with you!

  4. Thanks, Jean. I'm very happy to have Hannah show up!

  5. When healing is a two way street I'm sure you both heal faster and will have a deeper bond. Congratulations and Love to you both!

  6. Thanks, Linda! You and Linda B played your part. Here's what I had to say to her about 'healing faster':

    It's difficult for most people to move out of their grief into action. I'm always amazed when I reread what I write to discover what I was doing and how I was doing it. I understand by looking back I was putting myself in the environment where good things could happen without placing expectations on the outcome. That is an action that increases the probability magic will happen--orchestrated serendipity--or giving magic a nudge.

  7. Sue, Thank you so much for sharing about your recent loss and gain. You will like you said, always have Arrow in your life, however, look what you have gained, Hannah. I really identified with your loss of Arrow. I recently lost a feral cat, Papa, that I had been loving and taking care of for over sixteen years. However a new cat showed up in my yard and I have taken Him in. I named Him Snowflake, like new snow coming into my life. He has bought new love back into my life. God bless you and Hannah on your journey.

  8. Thanks, Cynthia. These furry pals bring such joy and love. I'm glad you had Papa and now Snowflake to keep you company. Bless you and Snowflake on your new journey!


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