Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Step Past Your Current Conundrum (of which there's sure to be one) to Serve Others

'If you are a card-carrying human being, chances are you share the same fear as all other humans: the fear of losing love, respect and connection to others. And if you are human, in order to avoid or prevent the pain, trauma and perceived devastation of the loss, you will do anything to avoid your greatest fear from being visited on you.'    Iyanla Vanzant

Stepping Past Your Current Conundrum (of which there's sure to be one)

No matter what you're going through; no matter what the past; it's time to open yourself up to all the marvels of creation you have to offer the world as you step past your current conundrum. 

Our struggles strengthen us and give us something to push against while growing our hearts and compassion for others. Why waste one of the world's greatest assets--your active participation? Why hide your gifts from the world? Who are you to horde your talents?

Take the Focus off You--Put it where it Belongs

Don't let self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy force you into hiding. When you discover you've retreated from the world feeling shameful about being defective or inadequate, take one small step a day to come out of hiding.  Get the focus off YOU and put it where it belongs--on how to best serve others.

Ask yourself: 

💓How can I best serve the world, my community and my family? 
💙What is one thing I can do today to contribute to those around me?
💚What one thing can I do today to better position myself for serving in my community?
💛What is one thing I can do today to make a difference for one person?

Using Your Strengths to Serve Others

Stop fixating on your inadequacies. When you take the focus off you and put it on serving others instead, you'll stop ruminating on your weaknesses and fears and allow your life to naturally emerge out of your strengths and caring for others.

'Compassion is the unfettered yearning that responds to the world with noble heart, the understanding that others are just like us. Radiating from basic goodness like the sun, compassion lifts us above self-involvement and brings us out of the Dark Age. Just like the sun behind a cloud, it shines through our self-centeredness.'       Sakyong Mipham

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Susan J Meyerott loves helping people become more fully themselves, particularly those working through anxiety, life and career transitions, relationships, and self-esteem issues. She provides a nonjudgmental, growth-oriented environment for you to become the person you’re meant to be—while appreciating the richness of who you already are. Learn more at Lightarted Living Blog

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