I Wish to Live a Life that Causes My Soul to Dance
I wrote my first few books and articles on a typewriter.
At the time I first began to publish one of my good friends
and colleagues said, "Your forte is speaking and communicating to a live
audience, Sue--I don't think you'll be able to capture that in the written word."
That was the only thing I worried about back then--could I translate the power of the spoken word into written words and elicit action from the reader? (Okay I worried about run-on sentences too.)
I didn't have to think twice about how or where to put my thoughts to paper.
There were no
personal computers, laptops, or tablets; No internet sites, FAX machines, or e-mail;
No cell phones, smart phones, scanners, or digital cameras; No
blogs, on-line courses, webinars, video conferencing,
or learning management systems; No social networking--no Facebook, Twitter,
or LinkedIn; No Kindles, Amazon or e-books.
I used the tools available to me at the time--pen, paper, typewriter, white out with my best typing skills; and snail mail aka 'the mail'--alongside my naked lack of experience but strong desire to communicate with the world.
In the 35 plus years I've worked in the training and development field, I've honed my speaking, facilitation, writing and program development skills. Those 35 years of experience count for a lot. I am a skilled communicator, motivator and leader. I conduct meaningful and engaging workshops. But this is not enough.
In today's technologically-based world, sometimes 3 months of experience trumps 35 years of experience.
This isn't to say 35 years of
experience in the workplace isn't important. It means it's just as
important for us to stay current learning and applying new
Overwhelmed by the Speed of Change?
Discover What Motivates You to Keep Up
If you're like most people, you're overwhelmed by the rapid speed of change in technology.
But instead of becoming overwhelmed by the speed at which things are changing, seek to maintain a passion for life-long learning and look for your current motivators to help you step into the next phases of technology. Then take the next step.
I started Lightarted Living so I could play with technology and communicate with you through the written word and the visual arts. In the seven years I've blogged my skills and confidence have improved without my trying. I've kept my eyes on my interests and learned how to use current technological tools in the course of following those interests.
What Blows Your Hair
💓What motivates you today?
💙What sets your curiosity on fire?
💚What are you driven to play with?
Don't let your fear of not knowing what you're doing stop you from keeping up with the times. We're all inexperienced and ignorant before we begin. Once you begin your learning speeds up, especially if you keep your eyes on your interests rather than on what you don't know.
Figure out what excites you, and use it to motivate you
to play with technology to further your personal and/or professional goals. The 1st step in is always the most difficult. Technology has in fact become easier to use by Luddites and common folk alike.
What do you want yourself to do NOW? How can you play to learn and change? What's one step you can take to move toward something you want to do better?
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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.
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