Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Upbeat People: Six Secrets to Regaining Optimism and Hope in the Face of Difficulties


'Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them; 
let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.' 

Rabindranath Tagore

Lost Your Resiliency Lately?

πŸ’™ Are you isolated and feeling discouraged about your current circumstances? Have you lost something or someone important in your life? 

πŸ’™ Does it sometimes feel like you'll never get that job, income, or relationship that seems to come so freely to others? 

 Life brings plenty of challenges to stop us in our tracks and leave us feeling discouraged. But be of good cheer--you have everything within you to handle whatever life throws at you. You have the ability to regain your optimism and hope in the face of difficulties.

πŸ’“ Everyone--even optimistic, upbeat people get sad, discouraged, lonely, and fearful. The difference is upbeat people know how to pull themselves out of the doldrums sooner.πŸ’—

How Do They Do It?
What are the secrets of upbeat people? Why are they able to maintain optimism in the face of difficult situations and exhibit resiliency in stressful situations? What do upbeat people do differently to bounce back? 

The Secrets to Staying Upbeat

πŸ’™ Upbeat people have faith in their ability to create their future. Through taking action they show themselves they are empowered to direct their lives--even when they're down. 

πŸ’™ Upbeat people understand the key to being empowered-- Knowing they have choices and acting on those choices. They always have one more action to take and one more card up their sleeve. This gives them power and a resilient attitude.

πŸ’™ For upbeat people, their patience and persistence ultimately leads to payoffs. As long as we have options we can act on, we can move past disappointment and discouragement. 

From Discouraged to Determined to Delighted 

If you watch upbeat people carefully when they're in a difficult moment, you'll see them artfully wiggle out of being stuck. It isn't necessarily a conscious action; it's just a natural reaction to being stuck. They don't like it, so they step beyond it.

I got a call from a young friend who was discouraged that a job she thought she was going to get fell through. When she didn't get the call she was expecting, she went back to the restaurant to check on the status of her application and was told they gave the job to someone else. Discouraged, she called to talk. I listened.

 As she talked, she described what happened and acknowledged her disappointment. As I listened I witnessed her transition from being discouraged to planning her next step. Once she consciously named what happened and how she felt about it her eyes were clearly fixed back on the goal--to get a job. By the time she was finished talking she had gone from discouraged to determined.

"I'm going to drop off 20 more resumes today," she said.

The next day she called me to say the first place she walked into hired her on the spot.  She had regained her power and gone from discouraged to determined to delighted by taking action.

"I like the owner, my co-workers and the customers!"

Sometimes You're Just One Step Away

This upbeat young woman was literally one step away from getting a job. By persisting after she was discouraged she bounced back and empowered herself to take the next step.

Like this woman, upbeat people continue to step into life despite failure, obstacles, and getting hurt. The message is--sometimes that job or relationship is coming with the next step-- so keep taking action in a direction that leads to accomplishing your goal even when you have continuously failed.

πŸ’— 'Upbeat people continue to step into life despite failure, obstacles, and getting hurt. This is the key to their maintaining hope--knowing that job or relationship may be coming with the very next step which keeps them taking action that leads to accomplishing their goal even when they've continuously failed.' πŸ’—

Six Steps to Becoming Upbeat After Getting Discouraged

1. Acknowledge your feelings and what happened
--then move past your moment of discouragement into a plan for taking the next step.

2. Find your questions and step into life to discover the answers. What are the problems you're trying to solve? What are your current life questions? What's the problem, and what do you want to do about it? Where are your options? What do you choose to do?

πŸ’™If you're lonely and want to be in a relationship, put time into studying what other people do to meet and be available for an opportunity. Take a step--any step to increase the probability you'll meet like-minded people.

πŸ’™Where are you living? Where are you working? What do you spend your free time doing? When you examine your current life do you see opportunities to meet people or to gain new employment opportunities through those activities or in those places, or do you need to rearrange your time and life? Can you explore opportunities closer to home or do you need to look elsewhere? 

πŸ’™Ask: What actions can I take to show myself I have options? If I was to do something completely different to move toward my goals and desires, what active step could I take?

3. Use distraction--sometimes when things just aren't going your way, you can 'act as if' at that moment of loneliness or discouragement. Go do something else--exercise, take a class, visit a friend--and act as if you really want to engage in this distraction to give your mind and heart a rest.

4. Stay connected--call trusted family or friends to talk through your current situation; join groups with similar interests, get involved in a cause--put your energies into caring about others.

5. Stay well-nourished, well-rested, and active—even when you don't feel like it.

6. Learn to laugh at your troubles

As Will Rogers said, "If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at when you're old."

Life is often challenging, and sometimes downright hard. Become an upbeat person-- accept the realities of life, and find a way to create pockets of hope through your actions.


'Live as a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.' 

John O'Donahue

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes letting go and moving forward with life easier than ever before.

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