Sunday, November 20, 2016

What the World Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love

Sakyong Mipham
Tibetan Buddhist

Respond to the World with a Noble Heart

"Compassion is the unfettered yearning that responds to the world with noble heart, the understanding that others are just like us."

"Radiating from basic goodness like the sun, compassion lifts us above self-involvement and brings us out of the Dark Age."

"Just like the sun behind a cloud, it shines through our self-centeredness."       

You mean I have to be nice?

“Sometimes people feel disappointed when they hear about practicing compassion: 'You mean I have to be nice?' It's kind of a letdown."

“If you want to be miserable, think of yourself.  If you want to be happy, think of others.”

Sakyong Mipham 

Give the World what it Needs~Love, Sweet Love

💙   How are you willing to 'respond to the world with a Noble Heart' today? 

💙 How will you show your compassion in the world?

'When you choose to act with integrity and compassion, you are strengthened by your experiences; when you choose to act out of ego, fear, anger, retaliation or hate, you are hardened by your life experiences.'    Lightarted Sue

Choose Wisely 

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For more than 35 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before.

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  1. Sue, what a lovely way to honor Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche, your hometown hero who lost his life protecting others. And I appreciate the reference to a sweet song I remember from childhood -- a song that, sad to say, never loses its relevance.

  2. Taliesin was worthy of such an honor. He embodied the compassionate soul.

  3. What a wonderful tribute to one who gave His life for others. Loved the blog. We all need be more compassionate toward others. Place them first before our own selfish wants.

  4. Cynthia--I just attended a memorial for Taliesin. His family is choosing to put their loss in the highest spiritual terms for us all. They are starting a movement called 'We Choose Love'.
    We honor the incredible courage he demonstrated as he stepped in to do the right thing. Sending Love to you.


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