Tuesday, February 11, 2014

She Let Go--a Poem by Rev. Safire Rose

Hello? A Message from the Universe

  • What have you been struggling with of late?
  • Where do you need to let go?

This is another of those 'just had to share with you' messages that found its way into my life. 'She Let Go' was sent to me by Chris V.--a woman who has recently dealt with divorce, a loss of parents, personal health and pain issues--and who had to learn how to let go and move on with life.

She knew I would love this poem and I'd be compelled to share it with you.

It is brilliant. Enjoy!

She Let Go 
by Agape Minister, Rev. Safire Rose

She let go

Without a thought or a word, she let go.

She let go of fear. She let go of judgments. She let go of the
confluence of opinions swarming around her head.

She let go of the committee of indecision within her. She let go of all the 'right' reasons.

Wholly and completely, without hesitation or worry, she just let go.

She didn't ask anyone for advice. She didn't read a book on how to let go.

She just let go.

She let go of all the memories that held her back. She let go of all of the anxiety that kept her from moving forward.

She let go of the planning and all of the calculations about how to do it just right. She didn't promise to let go. She didn't journal about it. She didn't write the projected date in her Day-Timer. She made no public announcement. She didn't check the weather report or read her daily horoscope.

She just let go.

She didn't analyze whether she should let go. She didn't call her friends to discuss the matter. She didn't utter one word.

She just let go.

No one was around when it happened. There was no applause or congratulations.

No one thanked her or praised her. No one noticed a thing. 

Like a leaf falling from a tree, she just let go.

There was no effort. There was no struggle. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad.

It was what it was, and it is just that.

In the space of letting go, she let it all be. A small smile came over her face. A light breeze blew through her.

And the sun and the moon shone forevermore.

Here’s to giving ourselves the gift of letting go…

There’s only one guru. Look inside….

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For more than 30 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before.

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  1. Sue, that was amazing. This is one of many of your posts I will be going back to re-read every so often.

  2. Jean, I've always said my genius is in recognizing the genius of others. I'm with you on this--I will return again and again to read 'She Let Go'. This is a brilliant piece--perfect, just perfect.

  3. Susan, Thanks for sharing this with your blog world. I continue to share it here in my world, as it is a good reminder for me and all. cv


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