Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Break Free: Throw Wild Parties in a Tree House--On a Limb--In Your Heart!

'The heart has its reasons that reason knows nothing of.' Pascal

By the Light of the Silvery Moon

As I sit quiet and stay open, little gems--pictures, quotes, poetry and music come my way worthy of giving back to you.

I love that people, like you, gift me their favorite gems--ones that perhaps help us navigate life's challenges and times of self-doubt--or perhaps ones that make our heart and soul sing.

Today's poem, 'In a Tree House' written by Hafiz, a 13th century Persian Poet, is one of those heart-freeing gems. It was read to me one recent soft summer night by the light of a Blue Moon (2nd full moon in a month).

The poem is amazing--and well worth a slow, deliberate read. Let it seep into your heart and soul.  The picture below from Miss *EVOLutionaries on facebook showed up as I contemplated the poem. It is so clever.

Pay attention to the message in the picture and poem: Break Free.

Miss R*EVOLutionaries picture came to me
 by way of Lisa Sanchez-Navarro

In a Tree House
Will someday split you open
Even if your life is now a cage,
For a divine seed, the crown of destiny,
Is hidden and sown on an ancient, fertile plain
You hold the title to.
Love will surely bust you wide open
Into an unfettered, blooming new galaxy
Even if your mind is now
A spoiled mule.
A life-giving radiance will come;
The Friend's gratuity will come--
O look again within yourself,
For I know you were once the elegant host
To all the marvels in creation.
From a sacred crevice in your body
a bow rises each night
And shoots your soul into God.
Behold the Beautiful Drunk Singing One:
From the lunar vantage point of love.
He is conducting the affairs
Of the whole universe
While throwing wild parties
In a tree house--on a limb
In your heart.
Hafiz, 13th century Persian Poet

'To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders.' Lao Tzu
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For more than 25 years, Susan Meyerott has been helping people lighten up and step over invisible barriers to change one step at a time. She speaks to your heart, puts you at ease, and makes changing easier than ever before. Contact Susan to schedule life change coaching, weekend retreats, or engaging Lightarted experiences to share with friends.


  1. Sue, you find the most wonderful poems and quotes and share such delightful thoughts and insights and art with us. Thank you for what you do!

  2. Thanks, Jean! As I said, I am simply the vehicle that these gems pass through. People share them with me, knowing that I'll really pay attention. There are such great things out there to share with one another!

  3. You are the elegant hostess to all the marvels in creation. Thank you for throwing parties and introducing us to them. Lots of love, TMR

  4. Tracy--
    How poetic! Thank you! I love the image of being 'the elegant hostess to all the marvels in creation'!

    Lots of love to you, TMR

    Silly Sue aka Elegant Hostess


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