Monday, July 11, 2011

Practice Mindfulness--May There be Peace Within You

Are You Listening?

How many times have you been sent this simple message from an angel in your life--someone who takes the time to wish you well? What did you do with the message? Delete it? Read it impatiently so you could hurry on with your day?

It doesn't matter what your spiritual leanings are. It isn't about whether you believe in Saints, religion or angels. It is about someone thinking about YOU and wishing you well. This simple blessing is worth a moment of contemplation each and every time you receive it.

Practice Mindfulness

I receive this blessing at least every other month. When it arrives I stop and do something with it to let the message seep in. I read it as if I have never seen it before--and I read it as if the person who sent it really cares. Discover the meaning in the words for your life today by asking questions.

Where in my life am I feeling anxious, cluttered, or hurried? Let it go.

Where is it I'm trying to get to in my life that isn't here? Relax--I am exactly where I am meant to be.

Where have I closed myself in? Remember the vast possibilities available to me.

What are my gifts? Am I giving them to the world fully today? Who do I need to pass the love onto today? Who needs to know they are loved?

Where in my life do I lack a feeling of contentment? Let it go. Rest in the knowledge I am a child of God and all is well in my world.

How can I let this seep into my bones? Today I will fully give of myself and contribute enthusiastically to the world around me.

We all need to be mindful of the blessings and well-wishing that surrounds our day. May there be peace within you.

Today's post is dedicated to my cousin, Cynthia Kendall for being one of my angels. Who are yours?


  1. Thank you, Sue. I've recently been struggling to deal with various anxieties. Your words have really helped me in a time when I'm struggling and in need of positive affirmations. You are a wonderful writer, keep at it!

  2. Dear Anon

    We're all in this life together--and we all deal with anxieties. Keep looking to pay it forward--be an angel to someone else out there and you'll get it back many times over. Thank you for your kind words.
    Kindest Regards,
    Lightarted Sue

  3. Dear Anon 2

    I love you too....who ever and where ever you are!

  4. Dear Susan, My angle also. I can't count the many times your words of love, positive thoughts and encouragement have helped me during my times of need. They have helped me so much and have given me the inspiration to go on and live my life in a more stress free and positive fashion. Thank you for your belief in me. You are a true inspiration in my life.

  5. Cynthia--
    It is good to accept our angels out there...and to also accept the angels within ourselves. It is in the smallest acts of kindness that we serve as angels for one another. Believe in your own ability to bless the lives of others through your concrete acts of caring. You are one big heart.

  6. "What are your gifts?" What a profound and generative questions Sue! Thanks for sharing this thought provoking post as we start the new year. And wishing you and all your readers a wonderful 2012.

    smiles, Grant

  7. Back at you, Marilyn. You are out there as a shining light uplifting your friends and family. Keep flying, angel.

  8. Grant--

    You are one of my found angels in 2011. I so enjoy your life enhancing blog and look forward to sharing your forthcoming book with my readers when it's ready.

  9. What a wonderful thought to reflect upon. Thanks for sharing. I will keep it close at hand and see how often it surfaces in my life now. Happy new year!

  10. Chris--

    These are the questions to ask ourselves, aren't they?

    Happy 2012!



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