Friday, January 19, 2024

Lightarted Living: Everything in Life is an Omen

Lightarted Living: Everything in Life is an Omen:   

Everything in Life is an Omen


'Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right'

Irving Berlin

Life is an Interpretive Dance and Everything is an Omen

Life is an interpretive dance, and every day we get to choose our dance steps depending on our interpretation. 

What do you see when you look out of your eyes? Good things? Bad things? Blue Skies? Grey Skies?

In 'The Alchemist', Paulo Coelho says, 'Everything in life is an omen.'  What does that mean for you and me?

As we step into each day, we are already primed to see or hear based on our internal filter. Do you expect a good day or bad day? Are you braced for battle or expecting to find love? 

When that cup of coffee spills first thing in the morning or you come out to a dead car battery or flat tire--what does that say to you about how the rest of the day is going to go?  Like the rest of us, you have your own omens that set you up to predict what to expect next.

While the word 'omen' often has ominous overtones, it is simply a thing or event believed to foretell a good or bad event or circumstance in the future. It is our own belief or interpretation of how the world works that creates the sense of something foretelling the future. 

It's all a matter of perspective--i.e. how we choose to interpret what we experience or what meaning we give to the 'signs' around us. This is true for animals too.

For example:

๐Ÿ’“ I put bird food out for the birds and the squirrel sees it as a good omen.
๐Ÿ’“ I pick up the dog leash and the dog sees it as a good omen.

All of Life Works in My Favor

If you have a tendency to look for bad omens instead of good, consider injecting a question to balance your thought process before you fly down the dark road of interpretation. 

When seemingly bad omens occur, consider how your 'seemingly bad event' could actually be something good that works in your future favor. How could this be a good omen portending good things coming your way?

By simply considering this alternative line of reasoning you can create an opening for a different perspective--one rich with possibilities instead of fear and foreboding.

In my early years of transitioning from college to career I chose to reinvent the breakdown of my car into a positive omen portending future financial gain. How'd that happen?

The first time I had car trouble I was struggling financially and the fear set in with the big bill I faced. But I decided that a car--which is a vehicle that gets you from here to there in life--knows when you are about to make more money. Silly, but it worked.

After I let go of seeing my car breakdown as a bad omen filling me with fear and foreboding, I experienced a financial gain--and from that day forward whenever a car broke down and demanded it's due--like paying the ugly old troll under the bridge--I had a positive expectation about financial gain coming my way.

Now you would probably like to argue with me that YOU don't indulge in this silly, magical type of thinking. But we all do--whether we call it looking for signs or omens or we simply call it analytical thinking to hypothesize probable outcomes.  We're all looking for a way to predict a future we have some control over. And we all want a positive future.

So why not be a bit silly and look for ways to put a positive spin on your interpretation of omens? To this day, whenever someone tells me they're having car trouble I say, 'Good! Your car always knows when you are about to make more money!' It makes me smile every time.

Like the Old Sufi Tale below illustrates, everything in life may be an omen--but good thing, bad thing, who knows? Try to find your good fortune in all.

Good Thing, Bad Thing, Who Knows?

A man and his son repeatedly experience alternating 
bad luck and good fortune. 

His neighbors gathered around him to sympathize over
 the bad luck and congratulate him on his good fortune. 

But no matter his experience--seemingly good or bad-- 
the man always maintains his composure and says:
“Good thing, bad thing, who knows?”

Old Sufi Tale 

Look for the Blue Skies in Your Future

Blue Skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on

Irving Berlin

'She smiled, and that was certainly an omen--the omen he had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life.'  

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Everything in Life is an Omen


'Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right'

Irving Berlin

Life is an Interpretive Dance and Everything is an Omen

Life is an interpretive dance, and every day we get to choose our dance steps depending on our interpretation. 

What do you see when you look out of your eyes? Good things? Bad things? Blue Skies? Grey Skies?

In 'The Alchemist', Paulo Coelho says, 'Everything in life is an omen.'  What does that mean for you and me?

As we step into each day, we are already primed to see or hear based on our internal filter. Do you expect a good day or bad day? Are you braced for battle or expecting to find love? 

When that cup of coffee spills first thing in the morning or you come out to a dead car battery or flat tire--what does that say to you about how the rest of the day is going to go?  Like the rest of us, you have your own omens that set you up to predict what to expect next.

While the word 'omen' often has ominous overtones, it is simply a thing or event believed to foretell a good or bad event or circumstance in the future. It is our own belief or interpretation of how the world works that creates the sense of something foretelling the future. 

It's all a matter of perspective--i.e. how we choose to interpret what we experience or what meaning we give to the 'signs' around us. This is true for animals too.

For example:

๐Ÿ’“ I put bird food out for the birds and the squirrel sees it as a good omen.
๐Ÿ’“ I pick up the dog leash and the dog sees it as a good omen.

All of Life Works in My Favor

If you have a tendency to look for bad omens instead of good, consider injecting a question to balance your thought process before you fly down the dark road of interpretation. 

When seemingly bad omens occur, consider how your 'seemingly bad event' could actually be something good that works in your future favor. How could this be a good omen portending good things coming your way?

By simply considering this alternative line of reasoning you can create an opening for a different perspective--one rich with possibilities instead of fear and foreboding.

In my early years of transitioning from college to career I chose to reinvent the breakdown of my car into a positive omen portending future financial gain. How'd that happen?

The first time I had car trouble I was struggling financially and the fear set in with the big bill I faced. But I decided that a car--which is a vehicle that gets you from here to there in life--knows when you are about to make more money. Silly, but it worked.

After I let go of seeing my car breakdown as a bad omen filling me with fear and foreboding, I experienced a financial gain--and from that day forward whenever a car broke down and demanded it's due--like paying the ugly old troll under the bridge--I had a positive expectation about financial gain coming my way.

Now you would probably like to argue with me that YOU don't indulge in this silly, magical type of thinking. But we all do--whether we call it looking for signs or omens or we simply call it analytical thinking to hypothesize probable outcomes.  We're all looking for a way to predict a future we have some control over. And we all want a positive future.

So why not be a bit silly and look for ways to put a positive spin on your interpretation of omens? To this day, whenever someone tells me they're having car trouble I say, 'Good! Your car always knows when you are about to make more money!' It makes me smile every time.

Like the Old Sufi Tale below illustrates, everything in life may be an omen--but good thing, bad thing, who knows? Try to find your good fortune in all.

Good Thing, Bad Thing, Who Knows?

A man and his son repeatedly experience alternating 
bad luck and good fortune. 

His neighbors gathered around him to sympathize over
 the bad luck and congratulate him on his good fortune. 

But no matter his experience--seemingly good or bad-- 
the man always maintains his composure and says:
“Good thing, bad thing, who knows?”

Old Sufi Tale 

Look for the Blue Skies in Your Future

Blue Skies
Smiling at me
Nothing but blue skies
Do I see

Singing a song
Nothing but bluebirds
All day long

Never saw the sun shining so bright
Never saw things going so right
Blue days
All of them gone
Nothing but blue skies
From now on

Irving Berlin

'She smiled, and that was certainly an omen--the omen he had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life.'  

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Lightarted Living: Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Y...

Lightarted Living: Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Y...:  

Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Your Life


Happy Endings!

Don't you love happy endings? 

I do--especially when I'm on the receiving end. 

Dreams are like Dogs--
They come when they're called

What Are You Grieving?

Where in your life have you been grieving? 

๐Ÿ’“Have you lost a loved one, job, or relationship? 
๐Ÿ’™Has your ego been bruised? 
๐Ÿ’šAre you recovering from an illness, fire, hurricane, flood or earthquake? 

What dreams have you lost? What are you doing to show up in life and get back what you've lost?

It isn't always easy to cope or move on when you're grieving or hurting over what you've lost. But life demands we find a way to step back in, and get busy living, loving and contributing--no matter how large or small our losses.

"Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning." 
Robert Brault

Leave the Door Open Just a Crack

Dream~Always Leave an Opening for a Ray of Hope to Shine Through

The loss of my almost 14-year old dog, Arrow, in 2017 was small compared to what so many others had endured that year. But like anyone dealing with the loss of something they love, I found myself lying low while 'licking my wounds under the porch'. 

Although I was willing to entertain the thought of a new dog coming into my life, I really wasn't planning on getting another one for a year after losing my furry shadow. 

But you know what happens while you're laying plans...LIFE happens anyway.

And Along Came Hannah 

After Arrow died, I showed up at the Shelter weekly to look at the available dogs. This was my way of showing up to tell the Universe I was open but not necessarily ready for a new dog coming into my life. 

I saw lots of very nice dogs, but none pulled on my heartstrings to bring them home. Then a friend volunteering at the Shelter told me I should check out Hannah. I visited the next day. She was lovely. And already adopted.

Although Hannah had already been adopted by someone else when I met her, somehow she still came to me with perfect timing. When I saw her I told her she was just what I was looking for in a dog, but I was glad she found a good home. I told her if it didn't work for her in her new home she should come back to me.

I told my friends at the Shelter gentle Hannah was just the type of dog I was looking for. And wouldn't you know--a week later, I got the call--Hannah was returned and available for me to bring home.

Sometimes it may feel as if we'll never get past the grief, hurt or loss. But when we leave a small opening for a ray of hope to enter our hearts--and we keep showing up--we recover and thrive once again

And if we imagine what we want, our dreams have a way of coming true with perfect timing. 

Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

Dreams are like dogs--they come when they're called.
Sit. Stay Open.
๐Ÿ’“You don't have to be ready to take on a new life, new love, new job or new dog for good things to find their way back into your life. 
๐Ÿ’™You don't have to be done grieving the loss of what or who has passed out of your life for good things to find their way back into your life
๐Ÿ’›You just need good friends looking out for you--and a heart that is open to good things showing up. 
Then leave the door to your life open just a crack 
for good things to come your way and stay.

Dreams Are Like Dogs~
They'll Follow You Home

Set Positive Expectations for your Future

We are always listening and looking for something to follow us home. What is it for you?

๐Ÿ’“What are you always listening and looking for? 
๐Ÿ’™What dreams or visions for your future do you have your heart set on? 
๐Ÿ’›What do you want to invite into your home and life?

Death, loss, and change are the more difficult, yet ordinary, parts of life we must contend with. 

We must accept these realities of life, yet keep our eyes focused on a positive future--imagining those things we want to attract into our lives that makes life worth living--then keep showing up until our dreams become reality.

Bring Your Dreams Home

๐Ÿ’™What's your happy ending? 

๐Ÿ’›What do you want to welcome home? 

๐Ÿ’™When you call them, they'll come. 

Let the Universe know you are open and waiting--then wait for ordinary everyday magic to happen. Let the Happy Endings begin...

Honey, I'm Home! Welcoming Good Things Back into Your Life


Happy Endings!

Don't you love happy endings? 

I do--especially when I'm on the receiving end. 

Dreams are like Dogs--
They come when they're called

What Are You Grieving?

Where in your life have you been grieving? 

๐Ÿ’“Have you lost a loved one, job, or relationship? 
๐Ÿ’™Has your ego been bruised? 
๐Ÿ’šAre you recovering from an illness, fire, hurricane, flood or earthquake? 

What dreams have you lost? What are you doing to show up in life and get back what you've lost?

It isn't always easy to cope or move on when you're grieving or hurting over what you've lost. But life demands we find a way to step back in, and get busy living, loving and contributing--no matter how large or small our losses.

"Toss your dashed hopes not into a trash bin but into a drawer where you are likely to rummage some bright morning." 
Robert Brault

Leave the Door Open Just a Crack

Dream~Always Leave an Opening for a Ray of Hope to Shine Through

The loss of my almost 14-year old dog, Arrow, in 2017 was small compared to what so many others had endured that year. But like anyone dealing with the loss of something they love, I found myself lying low while 'licking my wounds under the porch'. 

Although I was willing to entertain the thought of a new dog coming into my life, I really wasn't planning on getting another one for a year after losing my furry shadow. 

But you know what happens while you're laying plans...LIFE happens anyway.

And Along Came Hannah 

After Arrow died, I showed up at the Shelter weekly to look at the available dogs. This was my way of showing up to tell the Universe I was open but not necessarily ready for a new dog coming into my life. 

I saw lots of very nice dogs, but none pulled on my heartstrings to bring them home. Then a friend volunteering at the Shelter told me I should check out Hannah. I visited the next day. She was lovely. And already adopted.

Although Hannah had already been adopted by someone else when I met her, somehow she still came to me with perfect timing. When I saw her I told her she was just what I was looking for in a dog, but I was glad she found a good home. I told her if it didn't work for her in her new home she should come back to me.

I told my friends at the Shelter gentle Hannah was just the type of dog I was looking for. And wouldn't you know--a week later, I got the call--Hannah was returned and available for me to bring home.

Sometimes it may feel as if we'll never get past the grief, hurt or loss. But when we leave a small opening for a ray of hope to enter our hearts--and we keep showing up--we recover and thrive once again

And if we imagine what we want, our dreams have a way of coming true with perfect timing. 

Nothing But Blue Skies Do I See

Dreams are like dogs--they come when they're called.
Sit. Stay Open.
๐Ÿ’“You don't have to be ready to take on a new life, new love, new job or new dog for good things to find their way back into your life. 
๐Ÿ’™You don't have to be done grieving the loss of what or who has passed out of your life for good things to find their way back into your life
๐Ÿ’›You just need good friends looking out for you--and a heart that is open to good things showing up. 
Then leave the door to your life open just a crack 
for good things to come your way and stay.

Dreams Are Like Dogs~
They'll Follow You Home

Set Positive Expectations for your Future

We are always listening and looking for something to follow us home. What is it for you?

๐Ÿ’“What are you always listening and looking for? 
๐Ÿ’™What dreams or visions for your future do you have your heart set on? 
๐Ÿ’›What do you want to invite into your home and life?

Death, loss, and change are the more difficult, yet ordinary, parts of life we must contend with. 

We must accept these realities of life, yet keep our eyes focused on a positive future--imagining those things we want to attract into our lives that makes life worth living--then keep showing up until our dreams become reality.

Bring Your Dreams Home

๐Ÿ’™What's your happy ending? 

๐Ÿ’›What do you want to welcome home? 

๐Ÿ’™When you call them, they'll come. 

Let the Universe know you are open and waiting--then wait for ordinary everyday magic to happen. Let the Happy Endings begin...